
City News

上海市总工会在全市范围内开展职工活动   2024-07-25


A slew of projects will roll out across the city in the second half of this year to enrich the cultural life of its employees and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, the Shanghai General Trade Union announced on Wednesday during a meeting of its committee members.

On the agenda are the second Shanghai cultural season for its employees, the first Shanghai employees' fitness festival, and the 26th Shanghai Reading Festival. 

The construction of fitness centers and bookstores for employees in the city will also be increased. 

In total, 1,000 rest rooms for frontline workers in the manufacturing field will be built and upgraded as a practical deed project of the city.

The union will also strengthen the monitoring of labor relations and revise and improve the regulations preventing and resolving collective labor disputes. It will guide the trial of "one-stop" workers' rights safeguarding service platforms at the district level, and Internet platform enterprises to establish dispute mediation committees.

A series of competitions to lift the skills of employees will be held as well, and more than 1,000 employees are targeted to obtain the corresponding skill level certificates through competitions. 

Precise employment service will be provided and targeted assistance to groups such as the middle-aged jobless population will be offered. Income surveys will be conducted with strengthened analysis and judgment of the conditions of workers in difficulty, and assistance measures will be adjusted precisely.

Source: Shanghai Daily





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