

全球城市可持续发展奖(上海奖)将于今年首次在海外颁发   2024-10-22


The Global Award for Sustainable Development in Cities (Shanghai Award) will be presented overseas for the first time this year, according to a press conference held by the municipal government of Shanghai on Tuesday.

The award will be handed out at the Global Observance of World Cities Day in Egypt's Alexandria on October 31.

The Shanghai Award is a global initiative led by UN-Habitat and Shanghai Municipality. Specifically targeting cities, the award is dedicated to recognizing the outstanding progress and achievements of cities and municipalities around the world in their implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as the New Urban Agenda.

This pioneer global award aims to view the progress, strategy and action of cities in its own context via a holistic approach. An independent international jury composed of geographically diverse members will assess award applications and make recommendations in terms of the winners.

The first cycle of the award, an annual recognition, took place in 2023. In each cycle, the award will be given to no more than five cities. The award ceremony will be held at a major international platform and winners will be presented with both a plaque and a trophy.

Source: Xinhua





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