

12号线二期工程年内完工   2014-05-16


CONSTRUCTION work on the main structures of stations on the second phase of Metro Line 12 has been completed, and the subway operator is hoping that the entire western section will be ready by the end of the year.

Line 12 currently runs between Qufu Road Station in Zhabei District and Jinhai Road Station in Pudong.

The 16-station second phase will start operating from next year. It will run from Qufu Road Station to Qixin Road Station in Minhang District and pass through Jing’an and Xuhui districts.






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06月08日 21315203 受理中
02月16日 21315167 已办结
01月26日 21315166 已办结


06月12日 02131545 已办结
05月12日 02131544 已办结
05月06日 02131541 已办结

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