

维护地区安全将成亚洲当务之急   2014-05-21


AS one of the most dynamic continents, Asia boasts one third of global GDP. With an increasing convergence of interests and mutually beneficial development, the region is becoming a community of shared destiny. This lays a sound foundation for its overall stability.

But Asia has never left the shadow of security threats that can potentially lead to its downfall. Just as Greek mythology portrays the otherwise-invulnerable Achilles as dying from a shot to his heel, Asia has a deadly weakness.

Without security, Asia cannot maintain its role as the engine of the world’s economic growth. Today’s emerging markets can be tomorrow’s fragile and war-plagued nations. The achieved fruits of development could be wiped out one day.






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02月16日 21315167 已办结
01月26日 21315166 已办结


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05月12日 02131544 已办结
05月06日 02131541 已办结

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