Government News

Shanghai Daily News Digest

Specific requirements for driving out of Shanghai   2022-05-19



Shanghai residents who want to leave the city by car can submit applications based on certain requirements, police announced on Wednesday.

Since the end of March, residents have been advised not to drive out of the city unless absolutely necessary under strict pandemic-control measures enacted by the local government.

According to a notice released by police on Wednesday, residents can apply to their neighborhood committees, or juweihui, stating why they need to travel outside the city, be it for work, studies, exams, medical attention or other important matters. Applications will be reviewed by subdistricts or town authorities.


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Application Status

04-16 21315227 Processing
03-12 21315226 Processing
09-26 21315225 Processing

Inquiry Status

02-29 02131558 Received
03-06 02131557 Received
11-14 02131556 Received

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