Government News

Shanghai Daily News Digest

Outstanding women honored for their service   2024-03-07



Participants at a ceremony to honor outstanding women in Shanghai.

Shanghai's outstanding women were honored at a ceremony on Thursday, the day before the 114th International Women's Day.

Of them, ten were named as China's "March 8th Red Banner Holders," a top honor for Chinese female role models.

They included senior prosecutor Ma Weiwei, obstetrics and gynecology expert Wang Hongyan and former national volleyball player Zhu Yunying who's devoted to promoting sports to young people.

Pudong launched a "family service package" for local families.

At the ceremony, Shanghai Women's Federation launched an alliance with the aim of providing public welfare projects to children, women and families.

Pudong Women's Federation has designed a "family service package" for local families.

The package contains useful information about medical services, and care for children and the elderly.

Source: Shanghai Daily


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