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Shanghai Mayor meets with Singapore GIC CEO   2024-04-21



Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng met with Lim Chow Kiat, CEO of Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) on April 16.

Gong expressed appreciation for GIC's longstanding support and contributions to Shanghai's development. He welcomed GIC's continued involvement and encouraged the expansion of investment initiatives to further Shanghai's integration into the global market.

Gong also invited GIC to actively engage in shaping Shanghai's modern industrial landscape and urban renewal efforts. Shanghai remains committed to enhancing its business environment to facilitate the growth of enterprises, according to Gong.

Lim reiterated GIC's commitment to Shanghai, highlighting its 20-year investment journey and promising returns. He emphasized GIC's ongoing interest in China's growth story, particularly in sectors like consumption.

Lim expressed eagerness for deeper collaboration with the Shanghai government, seeking opportunities to support local innovation and development for mutual benefit.

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng (right) meets with Lim Chow Kiat, CEO of Government of Singapore Investment Corporation.

Source: Shanghai Daily


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