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Shanghai citizens average 12 books per year   2024-04-22



Findings from the annual survey on public reading in Shanghai showed that people in the city read an average of 12 books per person in 2023, and more than 98 percent of people are reading digital books.

Shanghai Press and Publication Administration released the survey on April 21, alongside the launch of a series of public reading events for the World Book Day on Apr 23. The survey has been conducted for 12 consecutive years by the college of media and communication in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The survey also showed that 83 percent of people in Shanghai have used public reading facilities in 2023, with public libraries being their first choice. Around 69 percent have participated in at least one reading event in the past year.

Video platforms have become an effective supplement to reading, says the survey, as Shanghai people reported to have read an average of 7.76 books per person via video platforms.

Source: China Daily


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