Government News

Shanghai Daily News Digest

Companies honored for going green   2016-07-28



THE three-month Invest in Green Future — Corporate Social Responsibility Excellence Awards came to a successful conclusion yesterday in Shanghai with 49 winners being selected for their contribution to a greener environment.

Organized by the Shanghai Observer, Shanghai Daily and, the excellence awards, which honor both multinational and domestic companies in a range of categories related to eco-friendly products, community relations, employee care and CSR innovation, has received 100 submissions from 83 companies.

"This was a really meaningful event as it provided a perfect platform for companies to demonstrate their commitment and strength in green development," Zhu Yonglei, deputy director-general of the publicity department of the CPC Shanghai Committee and director of the Information Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government, told the Invest in Green Future — CSR and Innovation 2016 Shanghai Summit, during which the excellence awards were presented.


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