中国国际进口博览会 | China International Import Expo


进口博览会汽车展区展前洽谈供需对接会举行 - 2018-08-31

Exhibitors and buyers of automobiles and those involved in trade in services linked up at a matchmaking session yesterday for the China International Import Expo to be held in November in Shanghai. Th...

首届进口博览会将专设2个食品快检室 - 2018-08-29

Two laboratories using rapid methods for food testing will be built for the China International Import Expo by the end of September, the city's food and drug administration said on Tuesday. One will b...

进口博览会医疗器械及医药保健展区展商客商展前供需对接会在上海举行 - 2018-08-24

Exhibitors and buyers of medical equipment and health care products communicated and connected at a matchmaking session yesterday ahead of the first China International Import Expo in November. The se...

中国国际进口博览会将设五百名志愿者 部分已参与准备工作 - 2018-08-23

Over 5,000 volunteers will be working at the first China International Import Expo in November. Some, like Jiang Huan and Bao Qing, have already started work in preparatory steps for the event. Jiang,...

中国国际进口博览会三项海关政策实现突破 - 2018-08-13

Shanghai Customs has issued a number of new measures as the city prepares for the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in November. They include an extension to the “exhibits passport” and how exh...

进口博览会采购商报名注册已逾16万 - 2018-08-09

More than 160,000 purchasers from over 80,000 domestic and foreign companies have registered for the first China International Import Expo as of Tuesday, its organizer said on Wednesday. According to ...

中国国际进口博览会简介 - 2018-08-03

中国国际进口博览会(CHINA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPO) 举办时间:2018年11月5日 – 11月10日 举办地点:国家会展中心(上海)

上海食药监排查进口博览会食品安全隐患 - 2018-08-01

The city’s food watchdog is working on guidelines to regulate food distribution inside the China International Import Expo venue, and may ban outside food delivery to ensure food safety, authorities ...

迎接进口博览会 徐汇上海南站等窗口服务单位提升服务能级 - 2018-07-31

English language service is being offered at downtown railway station and shopping malls in preparation for the first China International Import Expo, to be hosted in Shanghai this November. The Shang...

保障进口博览会 上海市场监管部门严查商标假冒侵权 - 2018-07-27

Shanghai's market watchdog will launch a specific campaign targeting trademark infringement, unfair competition, false promotion and unlicensed business operation ahead of the China International Impo...

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A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...


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