上海新修订专利资助办法 完善专利申请和保护机制 - 2018-10-19
INVENTORS are being offered more generous subsidies by the Shanghai Intellectual Property Bureau to apply for international patents. The amended “Shanghai Patent Subsidies Measures,” drafted by Shan...
蚯蚓当“管道工”缓解湿地堵塞难题 - 2018-10-17
EARTHWORMS are helping to reduce clogging in artificial wetlands used to treat sewage in rural areas surrounding Shanghai. Artificial wetlands are a low cost and technologically simple way to treat se...
2018全国“大众创业万众创新活动周”上海市分会场活动启动 - 2018-10-10
Shanghai’s role as a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship is being showcased as part of a national week focusing on the area, which began yesterday. This year’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship ...
商汤在上海西岸发布“智能公共空间管理平台” - 2018-09-21
The West Bund of Shanghai’s Xuhui District, where the World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held recently, will be powered by an AI-featured urban management system, SenseTime, said the develo...
第二十届中国国际工业博览会展示上海智慧城市建设成果 - 2018-09-20
Shanghai’s achievements from constructing a smart city over the past five years are being exhibited at the Innovative Technology Pavilion of the 2018 China International Industry Fair yesterday. Shan...
上海将加大基础研究和青年科技人才支持力度 - 2018-09-20
SHANGHAI’S funding for natural science and young scientific and technological talent cultivation programs will support fundamental research and develop young professionals in science and technology n...
上海高校发力人工智能人才贯通培养 - 2018-09-19
SHANGHAI universities are launching programs to boost research and education on artificial intelligence to meet the shortfall of quality AI professionals in China. Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao T...
上海智慧城市建设飞速发展 - 2018-09-19
ALREADY home to some of the smartest citizens, Shanghai is moving at the speed of light down a fiber-optic cable into the smart city era. More than half a million sensors and monitors, all Internet of...
“全球高校人工智能学术联盟”在沪启动 - 2018-09-18
A global university artificial intelligence academic alliance, which aims to develop a world-class platform to boost academic exchanges on AI and communicate and cooperate internationally, was set up ...
人工智能无人驾驶车亮相世界人工智能大会 - 2018-09-18
Artificial intelligence-equipped self-driving cars have purred into the spotlight during the World Artificial Intelligence Conference yesterday, giving visitors and participants the chance to take a r...
06月08日 | 21315203 | 受理中 |
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06月12日 | 02131545 | 已办结 |
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