在沪加拿大学者实验成果登上《科学》杂志,揭开豆科植物建造“固氮工厂”之谜 - 2021-11-05
Secrets behind the distinctive "nitrogen-fixing factories" of legumes have been uncovered in an international research study in Shanghai, providing new approaches to sustainable plant growth. The fin...
上海48项科技成果荣获2020年度国家科学技术奖 - 2021-11-04
Shanghai picked up nearly 18 percent of the country's top science and technology awards handed out in Beijing on Wednesday. The 2020 State Science and Technology Awards honored 275 distinguished scie...
上海制造手术机器人亮相进博会 - 2021-11-03
Shanghai-produced surgical robots were unveiled ahead of the China International Import Expo to challenge international competitors. The three robots, said to be world-leading, were promoted on Tuesd...
第四届世界顶尖科学家论坛开幕,上海打造新“诺贝尔奖” - 2021-11-02
A prestigious scientific award was set up during the opening ceremony of the fourth World Laureates Forum in Shanghai on Monday. The annual WLA Prize, claiming to become a local version of the Nobel ...
上海计划2035年建成“国际数字之都” - 2021-10-28
Shanghai is pushing its digital city construction plan, covering information technology upgrades of industrial and urban management, online economy development and data usage innovation, to make the c...
上海科普大讲坛揭秘上海音乐厅平移技术 - 2021-10-26
From the relocation of buildings to the use of nuclear technology, human ingenuity in the face of the challenges of a changing society and limited natural resources was discussed in lectures held at t...
膀胱癌最新研究成果发布,未来仅需几毫升尿液就可无创诊断 - 2021-10-26
Medical experts from Shanghai's Renji Hospital announced that a urine check can be used for bladder cancer screening after confirming that five genes in the urine can be used for developing a precise ...
2021沪港科技合作研讨会在上海青浦和香港同步举办 - 2021-10-22
Shanghai and Hong Kong are seeking to deepen cooperation in science and technology innovation, industry development and economic prosperity, according to a seminar held in suburban Qingpu District on ...
上海发布《关于加快推动基础研究高质量发展的若干意见》 - 2021-10-20
Shanghai on Tuesday rolled out a guideline, comprising 20 measures, as intensified support for basic research with the aim of turning the city into a more influential global innovation hub. According...
虹桥生物医药总部园,以创新生物医药服务和研发为目标 - 2021-09-28
A new zone gathering biomedical research and development centers and headquarters is under construction in Shanghai's Hongqiao area. Hongqiao is already home to a batch of hospitals and R&D centers o...
06月08日 | 21315203 | 受理中 |
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06月12日 | 02131545 | 已办结 |
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