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2018上海减税降费预计超500亿 - 2018年11月23日

SHANGHAI is cutting taxes and administrative fees in line with the central authority's fiscal policies. To respond to complex domestic and foreign economic situations and further support the healthy a...

上海“十三五”规划中期评估出炉 - 2018年11月23日

The Shanghai government released an interim report yesterday that showed its progress in implementing China’s 13th Five-Year (2016-2020) Plan. The city’s gross domestic product posted an annual grow...

上海国资平台联合设百亿基金 为上市公司纾困 - 2018年11月19日

A bailout fund of 10 billion yuan (US$1.44 billion) for listed private enterprises in Shanghai will be fully established by the end of this month, according to the city’s State-owned Assets Supervisi...

上海荣登2018年度亚太地区应对能力最强城市榜前三 - 2018年11月19日

Shanghai is the third most prepared city in the Asia-Pacific, following Singapore and Melbourne, according to global real estate consultancy Cushman & Wakefield's inaugural "The Prepped Cities Index,"...

上海将继续推动智能汽车产业发展 - 2018年11月02日

Shanghai will further promote the development of the automotive electronics sector, a top Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization official said during an automotive forum in the city Thursd...

世行报告向全球推荐上海改革举措 - 2018年11月02日

The World Bank has given a strong thumbs-up on Shanghai’s progress in cutting red tape and introducing reforms to improve the business environment over the past year. The findings in the bank’s late...

进口博览会展位搭建工作全面展开 - 2018年10月26日

The construction of booths at the China International Import Expo has already started, and will be completed by the end of October. Some exhibitors, keen to get a head start, began to unload their mat...

比尔盖茨马云郭台铭雷军丁磊将亮相虹桥国际经贸论坛 - 2018年10月26日

Bill Gates, chairman of TerraPower, Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba Group, William Ding, chairman and CEO of Netease, plus a bunch of other heavyweights in political, industrial and academic circles, hav...

Aeromobil公司将首次在中国展出飞行汽车 - 2018年10月19日

AeroMobil has sent a 720-kilogram flying car to China's upcoming import expo, which will make its debut in Asia for the first time in November. The flying car, packed into a container, was developed b...

特斯拉超级工厂落户上海临港 - 2018年10月19日

Electric car company Tesla yesterday signed an agreement to secure land in Shanghai’s Lingang area for its first factory outside the United States. It has bid 973 million yuan (US$140.5 million) to u...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...