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上海市政府与腾讯签署深化合作协议 腾讯华东总部揭牌 - 2018年08月23日

The Shanghai Government signed an agreement with Tencent on Monday to deepen the cooperation between the two parties. Shanghai Party Secretary Li Qiang and Mayor Ying Yong met Ma Huateng, chairman and...

上海将与阿里巴巴、蚂蚁金服开展高规格战略合作 - 2018年08月17日

The Shanghai government and Alibaba Group yesterday signed a strategic cooperation agreement to help the city develop itself into an innovation center encompassing various sectors. The e-commerce gia...

上海拟打造“全球电竞之都” - 2018年08月17日

He Mingyang spends 10 to 15 hours a day gaming on computer screens. His forte is eSports and he is considered a pro. A member of the professional eSports team TyLoo, He doesn’t fit the stereotype of...

上海金融业助力科创企业融资 - 2018年08月10日

Banking financial institutions in Shanghai have lent great support to local scientific and technological innovations during the past year, and they also boosted the financial inclusion of small and mi...

进口博览会智能及高端装备展区供需对接会举行 - 2018年08月09日

A matchmaking meeting was held on Wednesday for exhibitors and buyers in the high-end intelligent equipment segment to communicate and connect before the first China International Import Expo in Novem...

黄浦区出台“外滩12条”加大外资金融支持力度 - 2018年08月03日

Huangpu District yesterday released a bundle  of 12 policies to attract foreign financial firms to the Bund, the city's century-old financial hub. The strategy includes providing "bespoke" services to...

“扩大开放100条”推动上海国际金融中心建设 - 2018年07月27日

Since the Shanghai government introduced its "100 Measures" program on July 10 aimed at expanding, opening up and developing key industries, the focus has been on just how to implement these policies....

上海完善租购并举住房制度 - 2018年07月27日

Shanghai's efforts to build a housing system that encourages both buying and renting made steady progress in the first half, with tightening policies to rein in speculation remaining effective in curb...

上海上半年GDP同比增长百分之6.9 - 2018年07月20日

Shanghai’s economy grew 6.9 percent year on year in the first half, up from 6.8 percent in the first quarter and also 0.1 percentage points higher than the national growth rate, the Shanghai Statisti...

外资韦莱保险经纪获准扩大经营范围 - 2018年07月20日

Foreign insurance brokers are riding on the wave of China’s further reform and opening-up policies after they won approval to widen the range of their business in the country. Willis Insurance Broker...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
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Q: 问:如果您想在上海进行采访,...
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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...