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创新驱动发展 创造力拉近世界 - 2016年10月14日

CHINA has long been seen as the “world’s factory,” churning out vast mountains of low-quality goods, but it is also considered a nation incapable of producing innovative products and ideas. Now, th...

上海计划实践更多试点实验项目, 做中国经济改革的领跑者 - 2016年08月19日

BEING the forerunner of China's economic reform, Shanghai has always taken the lead in trying out various experimental projects to test their viability. The good thing is that the city still manages t...

聚焦国内反向收购上市 - 2016年08月18日

FOCUS Media Holding Ltd, an outdoor advertising display company that delisted in the United States two years ago, has received regulatory approval to list on the domestic market via a reverse merger. ...

Hello, G20 Summit! 杭州已准备就绪! - 2016年08月18日

HANGZHOU resident Yang Chizhen does not speak a word of English, but has decided to spend the next month picking up some simple English phrases. Hangzhou, in east China's Zhejiang Province, is the hos...

中国发生债务危机概率小 - 2016年08月18日

AFTER reviewing the recent developments around the debt issue, we have not changed our view that China can still avoid a systematic crisis in the near term, as the issue remains largely a domestic pro...

Founder's Space:连接创业者与投资者,创意共赢 - 2016年08月18日

HAVING recently moved to San Francisco from Shanghai, I set out to find standout people in the Bay Area who are bridging the divide between Silicon Valley and the startup ecosystem in China. This mont...

智慧银行带给我们什么? - 2016年08月18日

In most of my previous visits, I had to take a number and wait in a long queue for 30 minutes or more just to do a simple transaction. I sat plugged into music on my iPod while I waited with irritatio...

汇改一年后的人民币 - 2016年08月18日

ONE year after China's surprising devaluation of its currency, the central bank seems to have assuaged market panic as it leads the yuan slowly lower. Fear, at least for now, has largely disappeared f...

沃尔玛牵手京东 - 2016年07月22日

WALMART Stores Inc announced yesterday that it plans to sell its wholly owned Chinese e-commerce business Yihaodian to JD.com in exchange for a 5 percent equity stake in the online retailer. The move ...

《宠物小精灵》华丽回归! - 2016年07月22日

POKEMON Go, the latest rage in smartphone entertainment, allows players to walk around real-life neighborhoods in search of virtual Pokemon monsters. Since its debut in overseas markets several days a...

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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...