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金融科技的潜在风险不容忽视 - 2017年06月22日

FINANCIAL regulators should utilize technology and monitor the size of innovative businesses to tackle risks brought by financial technology, experts told the annual Lujiazui Forum yesterday. Deng Zh...

上海加快开放金融服务 推动国际金融中心建设 - 2017年06月21日

SHANGHAI will accelerate opening up in financial services to build an international financial center and serve the Belt and Road initiative, authorities told the Lujiazui Forum yesterday. Zhou Xiaoch...

中国企业逐步探索汽车自动驾驶技术 - 2017年06月19日

CHINA, which prides itself as the world’s biggest promoter of electric cars, is also seeking to be a leader in the advancing technology of self-driving cars. It’s a step-by-step process. The first ...

2017陆家嘴论坛开幕 聚焦金融改革与发展 - 2017年06月19日

THE two-day Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai opening tomorrow will gather central bank governors, financial regulators and experts from home and abroad to discuss regulatory reforms and financial support fo...

上海自行车品牌凤凰紧跟共享单车时代步伐 - 2017年06月08日

SHANGHAI Phoenix, China's earliest bicycle maker with a 120-year-old history, is now rising from the ashes of traditional pedal power to embrace the new age of electric bikes, app-operated shared bike...

便利店销售额涨势明显 未来将不断探索改进发展模式 - 2017年05月12日

IN retailing, it seems that small is indeed beautiful. Convenience stores have been a rare bright spot in a sector where foot-traffic is slowly being eroded by online shopping. Small, ubiquitous conv...

中国鼓励国产医疗器械研发生产 - 2017年05月10日

CHINA is trying to break its import reliance on medical equipment by encouraging more domestic innovation and production. At the recent China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair, one example of ...

新颖激光雷达机器人亮相上海(上海)国际进出口技术交易会 - 2017年05月03日

A robot took over duties of guiding visitors to exhibition booths at the China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair recently. The “host” had no one in the background moving its parts by remote ...

上海自贸区今年24项重点工作划定 - 2017年04月13日

NOW in its fourth year, the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone is moving from its initial experimental phase into more nitty-gritty areas of economic and financial reforms. The State Council, Chi...

中证登提高质押回购门槛 控制交易所债券市场风险 - 2017年04月12日

NEW bond rules will go into effect in China tomorrow, and they aimed at easing risk in debt markets. The latest initiative comes none too soon. Corporate bond defaults rose in the first quarter. Chin...

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A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...