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首届“上海在线生活节”来了 - 2020年12月04日

Shanghai launched its first "online life festival" on Tuesday to bolster the steady growth of the city's consumer market. The event, to run to December 15, is being held by the Shanghai E-Purchasing C...

临港新片区成为求职者首选之一 - 2020年12月04日

Shanghai’s Lingang Special Area was recently ranked among the most attractive places on the Chinese mainland to talent in 2020 by online recruitment platform Zhaopin.com thanks to its favorable talen...

第三届进博会正激荡起中国经济“大海”的澎湃动力 - 2020年12月04日

The third China International Import Expo (CIIE) saw US$72.62 billion worth of deals signed, marking a new record in economic and trade cooperation. The outstanding achievements once again testify to ...

彰显“文化自信” 浦东30年提供了怎样的实践范例? - 2020年12月04日

Pudong’s development and opening up in the past 30 years has been accompanied by leap-forward development in its culture. The idea of east-west connected development has dominated Shanghai’s cultura...

上海软件和数字贸易快速增长 - 2020年11月27日

Shanghai's software and digital trade has shown great advantages and potential for development, with imports and exports of computer and information services as well as the digital trade based on soft...

特斯拉希望在中国开始生产超级充电站 - 2020年11月27日

US electric carmaker Tesla says it is to invest 42 million yuan (US$6.42 million) to set up a plant for the production, research and development of charging poles in Shanghai. The factory will be put ...

上汽发布“智己汽车” - 2020年11月27日

Zhiji Motor, a high-end smart electric carmaker, was launched by SAIC Motor, the Pudong New Area and Alibaba Group in Shanghai on Thursday. The company, to be based at Pudong’s Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Par...

为什么说上海国际航运中心 基本建成的目标已经实现 - 2020年11月26日

In 2009, the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Modern Service Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Shanghai and Making Shanghai an International Financial...

曾刚、曹贤忠:开发开放30年的“生态浦东模式” - 2020年11月26日

Zeng Gang, Cao Xianzhong Since the State Council announced the development and opening-up of Pudong on April 18, 1990, Pudong New Area has focused on the strategic goal of building itself into a core ...

默克上海创新基地项目启动建设 - 2020年11月20日

Merck launched construction of its innovation base in Zhangjiang Science City in the Pudong New Area on Wednesday. The project is a cooperation between Merck China Innovation Hub in Shanghai and Shang...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
A: 答:请注册登陆本网站“今日上...
Q: 问:如果您想在上海进行采访,...
A: 答:(1) 请注册登陆本网站...
Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...