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上海发布《三年行动计划》 打造世界领先制造城市 - 2018年05月02日

Shanghai has implemented a three-year action plan to become a world leading manufacturing city by 2020, the city government announced today. By 2020, the city aims to establish two world-class industr...

新型银行机器人 来自未来的声音 - 2018年04月27日

Robots are still toys for the young and science fiction for many adults. But they are neither for patrons of the China Construction Bank branch on Jiujiang Road. Meet Xiao Fang. She is a robot who gre...

首家无人银行网点亮相九江路 - 2018年04月27日

We have convenience stores without cashiers, and now it seems banks are the latest business to dispense with traditional staff. The concept of a bank without tellers was so intriguing that when Jiang ...

中国化妆护肤品市场持续增长 - 2018年04月03日

Looking beautiful is an enduring pursuit, so it’s not surprising that products like skin cream, lipstick and other beauty products remain a bright spot in China’s slowing consumer market. Driving th...

共享汽车受年轻人青睐 - 2018年04月03日

Car-sharing is all the buzz among young Chinese. The trend is being driven by demand in the nation’s larger cities, where sharing is viewed as a cheaper, more flexible way of getting around than buyi...

22家全球龙头企业签约中国国际进口博览会 - 2018年04月03日

TWENTY-TWO global companies yesterday inked an agreement to take part in the first China International Import Expo in November when they will display the latest technology, products and solutions. The...

奇虎360借壳上市 - 2018年03月06日

After Qihoo 360 Technology Co delisted in New York in 2016 and did a 50 billion yuan (US$7.8 billion) asset swap and share deal with Shanghai-listed elevator maker SJEC, it levered itself onto the Sha...

全国生态保护红线划定年内完成 15省份方案获批 - 2018年03月07日

China has approved plans by 15 provinces and regions to draw up ecological “red lines” that will put large swaths of its territory off-limits to economic development, the Ministry of Environmental P...

央行:上海已基本确立国内金融中心地位 - 2017年12月29日

Shanghai needs to promote internationalization of the yuan and develop a financial market and institutions with global influence to enhance the city’s status as an international financial hub, the Sh...

勃林格殷格翰大中华区CEO潘大为被授予“上海荣誉市民”称号 - 2017年10月03日

After first setting foot in China nearly three decades ago, South African David Preston now lives like any other local and was made an Honorary Citizen of Shanghai last month by Mayor Ying Yong. Pres...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
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Q: 问:如果您想在上海进行采访,...
A: 答:(1) 请注册登陆本网站...
Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...