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上海自贸区今年24项重点工作划定 - 2017年04月13日

NOW in its fourth year, the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone is moving from its initial experimental phase into more nitty-gritty areas of economic and financial reforms. The State Council, Chi...

中证登提高质押回购门槛 控制交易所债券市场风险 - 2017年04月12日

NEW bond rules will go into effect in China tomorrow, and they aimed at easing risk in debt markets. The latest initiative comes none too soon. Corporate bond defaults rose in the first quarter. Chin...

上海自贸区服务“一带一路”建设 支持境外企业机构发行人民币债券和资产证券化产品 - 2017年04月01日

THE China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) will strive to become an investment and financing hub for the country's "Belt and Road" initiative, encouraging the offer of onshore bond insurance to ...

上海:全国经济转型和科技创新先行者 - 2017年03月16日

SHANGHAI has long been at the vanguard of China’s reforms. It is not relinquishing that leadership role as the nation advances market liberalization and the embrace of new technologies. During the a...

中国债市对境外境外资金吸引力明显提升 - 2017年03月02日

WHEN Chinese officials talk about market deregulation, most people think of stocks. The relaxation of controls is also occurring in the interbank bond market, that opaque, somewhat esoteric zone where...

上海设首个商标受理窗口 未来将可办理国际商标注册 - 2017年03月02日

BUSINESSES in Shanghai can save time and money as they can now apply to register a trademark in the city after its first trademark registration window started operation in Xuhui District yesterday. "...

压岁钱在线转账热潮反映电子支付趋势 - 2017年02月16日

THE digital age is transforming the old and beloved Spring Festival tradition of giving “lucky money” in red packets, or hongbao. The red envelopes with Lunar New Year holiday designs were once giv...

企业为快速上市迁址贫困县 - 2017年02月16日

SEVERAL times in recent months, a lawyer who wants to be identified only as Jack flies from Shenzhen to Yanchuan, a small, rural county in northern Shaanxi Province, to talk with local government offi...

当设计遇上科技 - 2016年12月06日

WEISEN Chen, a 25-year veteran in architecture and interior design, is happy to demonstrate the features of design software Vidahouse to furniture vendors, shopping mall operators, the media and almos...

中国数字娱乐吸引海外市场 - 2016年12月06日

LOUIS Yang, co-founder and chief executive of the Shanghai startup musical.ly, never expected the live streaming app to attract so much attention so quickly in overseas markets. “When we started out...

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A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...