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上海未来三年新基建总投资约2700亿元 - 2020年05月08日

Shanghai plans to invest at least 270 billion yuan (US$38.6 billion) in three years on intelligent and new infrastructure construction to boost the city's innovation and economic development and impro...

炸鸡popeyes进驻上海 - 2020年05月08日

Fried chicken and snacks chain Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen aims to have 1,500 restaurants on the Chinese mainland in the next 10 years. Its first store will open on Huaihai Road later this month. Raphae...

上海与阿里合作探索“云上会展” 李强出席2020新车“云发布” - 2020年05月08日

A digital exhibition entity to promote new exhibition and conference formats has been set up by the Shanghai government, Alibaba and the Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai . It...

云上“中国品牌日”5月10日开幕 上海云上展馆汇集40家本土品牌企业 - 2020年05月08日

China Brand Day, the first state-level exhibition since the COVID-19 outbreak, will be held online from May 10 to 12. It will also be the first high-level cloud expo. The theme is "China Brand, World...

18家跨国公司地区总部集中签约 - 2020年04月30日

Eighteen multinational companies signed contracts expressing their intention to establish regional headquarters in the Pudong New Area on Wednesday. They included Tokyo Electron Ltd, a leader in semi-...

【COVID-19】市委书记李强与特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克举行视频连线 - 2020年04月30日

Shanghai Party Secretary Li Qiang and Tesla CEO Elon Musk exchanged views in a video call on Wednesday morning. Li congratulated Musk on his company’s sales and production figures for the first quart...

【COVID-19】日本公司会撤离中国吗 - 2020年04月29日

MARK KRUGER https://www.yicaiglobal.com/opinion/mark.kruger/will-japanese-firms-desert-china (Yicai Global) April 28 -- The Abe government is encouraging Japanese firms to leave China and return hom...

【COVID-19】今年中国经济仍可实现中速增长 - 2020年04月29日

原交通银行首席经济学家、植信投资首席经济学家连平周六表示,虽然新冠疫情给中国经济带来较大下行压力,但在逆周期调节政策发力下,今年中国经济仍可实现中速增长,预计全年GDP增速可能在3.5%-4.5%。 国家统计局数...

【COVID-19】上海加速打造在线新经济发展高地 - 2020年04月29日

Shanghai recently issued its plan to promote development of the online economy, focusing on 12 key aspects such as unmanned factories, industrial Internet, remote work, online finance and digital ente...

【COVID-19】张兆安:全力以“复”,促进消费潜力释放 - 2020年04月24日


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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...