华为推出鸿蒙2.0版操作系统 - 2020年09月14日
Huawei Technologies, which sold 105 million smartphones in the first half of the year, says its HarmonyOS 2.0 operating system will support smartphones from next year. It made the announcement at the ...
浦东社会功能全方位开发的特点 - 2020年09月14日
The development of Pudong has in fact experienced the evolution and dual development from the material level to the cultural and institutional level, and then over to the level of people. This is also...
中国经济:在不确定的世界创造确定性 - 2020年09月14日
In the face of major changes unseen in a century, countries around the world are facing many problems and challenges, and the future of the world economy and global governance is deeply mired in the m...
【COVID-19】ISC+战略up主沈逸:新冠疫情背景下的大国战略博弈与网络空间安全态势 - 2020年09月07日
Shen Yi, Content Curator on ISC Strategy: The Strategic Game among Major Powers and the Cyberspace Security Situation against the Background of COVID-19 Author|Shen Yi, Professor and Director at Resea...
怎样看待中国经济总量接近100万亿元 - 2020年09月07日
According to preliminary data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China had a gross domestic product of 99,0865 trillion yuan in 2019, approaching the 100 trillion yuan mark, with an average of 70...
中国国际服务贸易交易会在北京召开 上海为唯一主宾市 - 2020年09月04日
The only Guest of Honor city at the China International Fair for Trade in Services 2020, Shanghai's exhibition area will show the city's achievements in innovation and development of trade in services...
投资者仍将加大对中国大陆房地产市场投资 - 2020年09月04日
Real estate investors remain positive about investing in the Chinese mainland although they continue to weigh up current market uncertainties due to COVID-19 and the geopolitical environment, accordin...
上汽获得进出口银行500亿授信 - 2020年09月04日
China's biggest automaker SAIC Motor and the Export-Import Bank of China signed a strategic cooperation agreement involving 50 billion yuan credit. The credit will be used in the field of SAIC Motor's...
周颖:国货春天来了——“一体两翼三引擎”中国国货品牌突围之路 - 2020年08月31日
(Zhou Ying: Professor, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) From the focus on quantity to quality, Chinese brands are shedding its traditional impression of being ...
陈宪:中国经济的韧劲源于哪里? - 2020年08月31日
(Chen Xian: Professor, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) When the financial crisis broke out in 2008, it was said to be the biggest crisis since the Great Depre...
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