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上海临港新片区规划5年内实现5G全覆盖 - 2020年04月24日

Shanghai Communications Administration set up an office in Lingang on Monday to lead development of next-generation telecommunications in the special area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone...

上海出台促消费新政策 将开启“五五购物节” - 2020年04月24日

Shanghai announced a two-month shopping festival and a wide range of promotional activities as the city strives to reboot the economy with a vast stimulus package offered by dozens of retailers, digit...

上海集成电路设计产业园近日开园 - 2020年04月21日

Recent visitors to a chip-design industry park in the Pudong New Area had to circle around the parking lot for at least 15 minutes to find a parking space. He Dajun, general manager of the Shanghai Zh...

【COVID-19】上海社会经济重现活力 - 2020年04月20日

Shanghai's social and economic life is gathering momentum as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes. For 24-year-old flower shop assistant Zhang, everything is changing for the better. She works at a flower shop...

临港奉贤生命科技园深耕生物医药产业 - 2020年04月17日

The novel coronavirus outbreak has put China’s biopharmaceutical industry in the spot, and Shanghai is pinning its development hopes there on the Lingang Special Area Fengxian Life Sciences Park affi...

一举拿下500多平方米展览净面积 历峰集团携13个品牌首次签约参展进博会 - 2020年04月17日

The Swiss luxury group Richemont will make its debut at the third China International Import Expo and develop an all-round cooperation with the CIIE Bureau. The group, which owns several of the world...

【COVID-19】可采取非常规手段应对新冠疫情影响 - 2020年04月17日

Author: Yu Nanping (Decision-making Consultation Base, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government/Chief Expert, Yu Nanping Studio, Professor of East China Normal University) The COVID-19 epidemic will ...

【COVID-19】线上线下融合,数字经济发展按下“快进键” - 2020年04月17日


【COVID-19】专业人士详解上海“公共卫生建设20条” - 2020年04月12日

上海出台《关于完善重大疫情防控体制机制健全公共卫生应急管理体系的若干意见》 超大城市公共卫生建设事关民生福祉、经济发展、社会稳定、国家安全,是一项极其重要而紧迫的战略任务。4月8日,正值国内疫情防控形势...

【COVID-19】抓住“危中之机”,瞄准未来产业发展新靶点 - 2020年04月12日

上海市政协委员、上海社会科学院经济研究所所长 沈开艳 中国有句俗话,叫做“计划不如变化快”。当前应新冠疫情所引发的国内及全球形势的变化可谓瞬息万变,变幻莫测。本次疫情来势之汹涌、波及面之广、持续时间之长...

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