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29家展商集体签约第四届进博会 - 2020年11月06日

A floor plan of next year’s 4th China International Import Expo was released on Thursday at the Enterprise Alliance Conference. Also at the conference, 29 companies signed agreements to participate i...

“直播+电商”为第三届进博会注入新活力 - 2020年11月06日


进博会彰显中国推动高水平对外开放和全球化进程的决心 - 2020年11月06日

王健 (上海社会科学院国际问题研究所所长,研究员) 进博会是中国推动高水平对外开放的一个重大举措,也彰显了中国推动全球化进程的坚定信心。中国举办进博会基于两大背景,一是当今世界一股逆全球化思潮正在逐渐蔓...

“防疫健康码”亮码人次破10亿 - 2020年10月23日

Shanghai’s “health code” system, which uses advanced technologies to protect the city during the COVID-19 pandemic, has covered traffic of almost 1 billion since its debut in January. It was the ea...

进博会聚焦新能源车 - 2020年10月23日

Automobile exhibitors will display their latest vehicles and technologies during the third China International Import Expo next month. The focus of the automobile exhibition area will be on new-energy...

进博会参展外国企业对中国市场充满信心 - 2020年10月23日

Many companies have become “old friends” of the China International Import Expo — a great stage to showcase corporate strength and confidence in the Chinese market. In return, they have found their...

数字经济加速我国制造业恢复 - 2020年10月22日

Sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic delivers a serious impact on the global economy. Attacked by the pandemic, the accumulative growth rate of value added of industries above designated size (ent...

数字经济助力形成双循环发展新格局 - 2020年10月22日

Accelerating the establishment of a "dual circulation" development pattern with domestic cycle as the mainstay and with domestic and international development reinforcing each other further identifies...

知名化妆品公司将亮相第三届进博会消费品展区 - 2020年10月21日

The consumer products exhibition area at the third China International Import Expo will see the top five cosmetics groups launching new products. The section will cover an exhibition area of over 90,0...

上海位列全球智慧城市第四 - 2020年10月16日

Shanghai ranked fourth among the world’s best smart cities, with its smart services topping all the others, according to the Global Smart City 2020 Index. The rankings were released on Wednesday by ...

1... < 91 92 93 94 95 > ...129




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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...