防控新冠肺炎疫情 | Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia


随身码进一步明确赋码规则 - 2022-09-19

Shanghai's health code on the suishenban mobile app.Shanghai on Sunday clarified its rules that decide the colors of people's health code.A red code will be given to people testing positive during ind

为防止新冠传播 上海严查娱乐场所 - 2022-07-15

The business license of a pub has been revoked, and an Internet bar and three poker lounges are under police investigation for violation of COVID-19 prevention rules under a citywide crackdown on ente

14个娱乐场所因违反违反防疫规定擅自开放而被查封 - 2022-07-12

Shanghai authorities said on Monday that 14 instances of violations of COVID-19 prevention and control regulations at indoor cultural and entertainment venues had been discovered.It came to light afte

上海承诺不歧视已康复的求职者 - 2022-07-12

The Shanghai government has pledged equal career opportunities to recovered COVID-19 patients after some job hunters complained about discrimination due to their infection history.All local government

官方辟谣上海大规模封锁传闻 - 2022-07-12

Shanghai has debunked online claims that a wide-ranging lockdown or phased lockdown would be imposed across the city amid the recent COVID-19 resurgence.Replying to inquiries from local netizens on Mo

文化场馆和旅游景点暂时关闭 - 2022-07-11

A number of cultural venues and tourist attractions in Shanghai have been closed due to COVID-19 control and prevention requirements, cultural and tourism authorities announced on Sunday.Among them, t

上海发现第一例Omicron BA.5病例 - 2022-07-11

Shanghai has detected its first Omicron BA.5 community infection in the Pudong New Area, making the city's recent KTV-related COVID-19 resurgence more severe and complex.The highly-contagious coronavi

德国、加拿大飞往上海的航班暂停两周 - 2022-07-08

Flights from two airports in Germany and Canada to Shanghai have been suspended for two weeks by China's civil aviation regulator following a number of imported COVID-19 cases.Lufthansa's Flight LH728

上海KTV相关感染中没有新的亚型 - 2022-07-08

Shanghai's recent COVID-19 resurgence related to multiple KTVs was caused by the same Omicron sub-variant as the city's novel coronavirus outbreak in early March.The more contagious and faster-spreadi

游泳池和旅游景点因疫情再次关闭 - 2022-07-07

Following reports of scattered COVID-19 cases in the city, a few Shanghai tourist attractions and swimming pools have closed or adjusted their reopening schedules.The Playa Maya Water Park in Songjian

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