防控新冠肺炎疫情 | Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia


上海逐步恢复20个城市航线 浦东机场货邮航班量已接近常态水平 - 2022-06-07

China Southern Airlines' first domestic flight from Shanghai since the city lifted its more than two-month lockdown took off on Monday.Flight CZ6506 from Shanghai to Shenyang in northeast Liaoning Pro

第25届上海国际电影节顺延至明年举办 - 2022-06-07

This year's Shanghai International Film Festival has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic resurgence.The SIFF's organizing committee announced on Monday that the 25th edition of the festival, o

上海6月以来新增社会面感染者16例、中风险地区13个 - 2022-06-07

Shanghai has reported 16 community infections and declared 13 areas as "medium risk" since the city lifted the two-month-long COVID-19 lockdown and allowed residents to resume normal work on June 1, a

上海出台两项稳就业补贴政策 - 2022-06-07

Shanghai has announced two measures for alleviating the financial burden on seven key industries seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure employment stability.Enterprises in catering, ret

上海卫健委:社会面还有多点散发情况 疫情反弹风险依然存在 - 2022-06-06

Two days after the citywide lockdown was lifted, Shanghai reported three community COVID-19 cases and declared three more areas in downtown as medium-risk spots on Friday.The two confirmed cases and o

6月6日零时起,上海可凭24小时内核酸采样证明进公共场所和乘公交 - 2022-06-06

From Monday, citizens are allowed to take public transport and enter public areas with a 24-hour PCR test certificate, even if the result has yet to come out, according to Shanghai's COVID-19 preventi

上海市场监管局出台“12条”登记便利化措施 助力企业复工 - 2022-06-01

Shanghai's market regulators released 12 measures on Tuesday that provide easier access for the registration of market entities in an effort to boost their confidence and vitality with the COVID-19 re

上海东方明珠等景区今起重新开门迎客 - 2022-06-01

A number of tourist attractions and parks across Shanghai will reopen on Wednesday, with the visitor number kept below 50 percent of their normal daily maximum, operators announced.The landmark Shangh

上海市副市长宗明昨日宣布,今起全面恢复全市正常生产生活秩序 - 2022-06-01

Life, business and transport will fully return almost to normal in Shanghai – except for schools – from Wednesday as the COVID-19 pandemic has been effectively controlled, Shanghai Vice Mayor Zong Min

上海发布《致全市人民的感谢信》 - 2022-06-01

The Shanghai government issued a letter of thanks to all citizens on Wednesday as life and work began returning to normal after the COVID-19 resurgence was brought under control.The arduous battle to

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A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...


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