防控新冠肺炎疫情 | Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia


“申程出行”APP推出防疫地图,周边疫情状况随时可查 - 2022-05-31

"Shencheng Travel," Shanghai's taxi-hailing smartphone app, has introduced a new map feature that shows the COVID-19 pandemic status of different locations in the city.The map shows whether there were

上海已有111座城市公园开放,中心城区公园明起陆续开放 - 2022-05-31

The Xujiahui Park has reopened, the first park in downtown districts that has resumed operation, and Chenshan Botanical Park in Songjiang District and Binjiang Forest Park in the Pudong New Area will

6月1日起,上海将进入全面恢复全市正常生产生活秩序阶段 - 2022-05-31

Inner-city public transportation, including buses and Metro service, will be restored in full from June 1, with the COVID-19 pandemic resurgence effectively brought under control in Shanghai, the muni

全市常态化核酸采样点布局约1.5万个 - 2022-05-31

Shanghai has built about 15,000 nucleic acid sample collection sites across the city for its normalized COVID-19 prevention and control.These PCR sample collection kiosks have been set up at local res

坚定不移稳定外资企业信心,上海多措并举稳外资稳外贸 - 2022-05-30

Shanghai has pledged to ease the burden on COVID-affected enterprises with a slate of social welfare, tax and subsidies bailout policies, local authorities announced on Sunday.Struggling industries li

坚定不移稳定外资企业信心,上海多措并举稳外资稳外贸 - 2022-05-30

Shanghai has launched measures to stabilize foreign investment and foreign trade, as well as promote consumption and investment.These are among a series of policies and measures in a newly released ac

上海公布“50条”加快经济恢复和重振 - 2022-05-30

Shanghai has announced a number of supportive policies covering capital, land, talent and the business environment in the latest bid to revitalize its COVID-battered economy.It vows to speed up the ca

上海公布来沪返沪人员疫情防控要求,不得阻拦、拒绝有关人员返回社区 - 2022-05-30

Local communities cannot refuse or prevent people traveling from outside Shanghai returning to their neighborhoods, the city's COVID-19 prevention authority said.The district governments should superv

上海松江上周五报告1例风险人群发现病例,3名同住人确诊 - 2022-05-30

Shanghai reported a community COVID-19 case on Friday amid a sharp decrease in the city's total infection numbers.A 67-year-old woman living in Fangsong Subdistrict, on the outskirts of Songjiang Dist

保证紧急必要需求,上海公安出入境部门开通绿色通道 - 2022-05-30

Shanghai residents seeking exit-entry services for now must call the hotline of the exit-entry administration bureau first, Shanghai Daily was told on Saturday.This means that people who go to the app

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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...


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