科技创新专题 | Innovation Special Coverage


致敬战“疫”科技工作者 2020上海科技节开幕 - 2020-08-24

Anti-virus luminaries, renowned scientists and budding inventors graced the red carpet on Sunday morning at the opening ceremony of the Shanghai Science Festival. Zhong Ming, an expert in intensive ca...

复旦肿瘤医院团队方案使三阴性乳腺癌患者5年无病生存率大大提高 - 2020-08-18

A chemotherapy program developed by local medical experts has improved the five-year disease-free survival rate of patients with one challenging form of breast cancer. This is the first research break...

中国将推进北斗导航系统在航空领域的应用 - 2020-08-13

China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite (BDS) System has been tested on the nation’s domestically developed jets, including the C919 and ARJ21, to reduce the dependence on the US Global Positioning Syst...

中国专家学者:血液检测可早知糖尿病视网膜病变 - 2020-08-07

Local experts have discovered an accurate method of diagnosing an eye disease — diabetic retinopathy — through a blood test than the current method of examining the back of the eye. Diabetic retinop...

中国专家在肝癌治疗领域获得突破 - 2020-08-05

Local experts have completed the nation’s first genetic map on patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, the second most common liver cancer, to provide evidence and information for precise trea...

中国科学家发展CAR-T细胞治疗新方法 - 2020-08-03

Local researchers say they have found a way to make tumor-fighting T cells more powerful. T cells, a type of white blood cell, act as natural guards in the body because receptors (TCRs) on their surfa...

中国“天问一号”火星探测器发射 - 2020-07-24

Never have interplanetary flights to Mars been on such a busy schedule, with three international probes to the planet leaving within days of each other. The United Arab Emirates' Hope orbiter blasted ...

国内首例,上海质子重离子医院开展脉络膜黑色素瘤治疗 - 2020-07-23

The Shanghai Proton and Heavy Ion Center teamed up with the Shanghai Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital on Wednesday to administer non-invasive heavy ion radiation therapy on a patient with choroidal ...

《柳叶刀神经病学》封面发表仁济医院最新成果:中国重型颅脑创伤救治效果优于欧洲 - 2020-07-22

The average age of Chinese patients suffering traumatic brain injury is 48 years old and traffic accidents are the leading cause, covering half of all cases. Among all patients, 22 percent suffer seri...

中国首个机器人辅助肺癌手术临床专家共识发布 - 2020-07-22

China’s first clinical guideline on robot-assisted lung cancer surgery was released on Tuesday to regulate and improve clinical practice across the nation. Surgical robots are said to offer more prec...

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