科技创新专题 | Innovation Special Coverage


上海中心城区首个自动驾驶开放测试道路落户金桥 - 2020-07-13

Autonomous vehicles will drive on public roads in the city’s first downtown testing area in Jinqiao, in the Pudong New Area. The 30.6-kilometer testing area is comprised of ten roads — Shenjiang Roa...

推动发展负责任的人工智能 - 2020-07-13

The next step in artificial intelligence is to develop responsible AI, according to experts at the World Artificial Intelligence Forum in Shanghai. Computers make decisions based on big data, while hu...

崇明与阿里共同推进数字农业发展 - 2020-07-09

China's e-commerce giants are using data capabilities and supply chain upgrades to help boost development of the agricultural sector. In Shanghai's Chongming District, Alibaba and government authoriti...

上海西岸AI TOWER亮相 - 2020-07-09

Shanghai AI Tower in Xuhui District launched its global promotion on Wednesday ahead of this year’s World Artificial Intelligence Conference, which kicks off on Thursday. Twenty leading artificial in...

张江科技城推动上海科创中心建设 - 2020-07-09

When heavy rain delays food deliveries and forces street vendors to wind up their business, several autonomous vending-machine vehicles move freely in Zhangjiang High Technology Park, selling breakfas...

科创企业获集成电路设计奖 - 2020-07-03

Tianjin-based Phytium Technology Co has been honored among the Top 5 Promising China IC Design Companies in the 2020 China IC Design Awards for its progress in integrated circuits chips. The company’...

全国首张研制机构持有人《药品生产许可证》落地上海 - 2020-07-02

The first drug manufacturing license for drug research institutes in China was issued by Shanghai's drug watchdog on Wednesday, breaking the bottleneck of drug research institutes in the participation...

G60脑智科创基地建设合作签约暨二期项目开工仪式在上海松江举行 - 2020-07-02

A science park where the world’s first genetically edited cloned monkeys were born has started the second phase of its construction in Songjiang District. The G60 Brain Intelligence Innovation Park w...

中国专家率先提出胸腺肿瘤的复发预测模型 - 2020-06-18

Experts from Shanghai Chest Hospital have established the world’s first prediction model for patients with thymic tumors based on Chinese research. Under the model, patients with low risk of relapse ...

浙江省与上海交大签订战略合作推进长三角一体化发展 - 2020-06-15

The government of Zhejiang Province and Shanghai Jiao Tong University signed an agreement over the weekend for cooperation in science and technology as well as emerging industries. The two parties wil...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
A: 答:请注册登陆本网站“今日上...
Q: 问:如果您想在上海进行采访,...
A: 答:(1) 请注册登陆本网站...
Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...


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