《2019国际科技创新数据洞见》发布 上海深耕基础研究顶尖科研比肩新加坡 - 2019-08-14
Shanghai leads 20 cities in attracting professionals in universities and institutions, according to a report by Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Resources Center (SSTIR) and Elsevier on Mond...
世界人工智能大会下个月在上海举办 - 2019-07-31
The World Artificial Intelligence Conference, to be held in Shanghai next month, will be a top-level global platform, organizers have predicted. There will be more overseas speakers, special global co...
徐汇打造人工智能高地 - 2019-07-30
Artificial intelligence is about to change people's daily lives in Xuhui District with the creation of the city's first AI town. Work has begun in the Beiyang area on a development that will feature A...
我国首艘双向破冰极地科考船“雪龙2”号交付 - 2019-07-12
Xuelong 2, or Snow Dragon 2, the first polar research vessel built by China, was handed over for use on Thursday in Shanghai. The vessel, what China’s Ministry of Natural Resources calls "a breakthro...
人工智能为医疗打开发展空间 - 2019-07-11
Hospitals in Shanghai are using artificial intelligence technology to help manage the health of patients. Some of these technologies will be showcased for the first time at the 2019 World Artificial I...
全国首艘无纸化建造的船舶“海巡160”轮正式列编 - 2019-07-01
The world's first 3D-designed ship, China's Haixun 160, which will be responsible for the maintenance of navigation marks in near harbors in the East China Sea, went into operation on Saturday with th...
上海发布智能制造三年计划 - 2019-06-25
Shanghai aims to become a hub for intelligent manufacturing and the main exporter of intelligent manufacturing solutions by the end of 2021. Pushing the "Made in Shanghai" brand, the city will turn in...
复旦大学获批建设国家集成电路产教融合创新平台 - 2019-06-13
Fudan University is to spend 470 million yuan (US$68 million) building a platform for innovation and integration of education and production of integrated circuits, the university announced on Wednesd...
《自然》发表中科院关于基因编辑技术RNA脱靶及其优化的研究成果 - 2019-06-13
A new and safer solution has been worked out by local researchers to tackle with the problem of off-target RNA mutations generated by DNA base editing. Base editing can help in treatment of rare disea...
5G商用成CES Asia主角 - 2019-06-12
The latest 5G technologies and services will soon be used in the smart driving, retail, video and photography sectors, industry officials said at CES Asia 2019, the consumer electronics show in Shangh...
06月08日 | 21315203 | 受理中 |
02月16日 | 21315167 | 已办结 |
01月26日 | 21315166 | 已办结 |
06月12日 | 02131545 | 已办结 |
05月12日 | 02131544 | 已办结 |
05月06日 | 02131541 | 已办结 |
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