上海科创成果全年巡展启幕 - 2019-05-24
City's scientific achievements go on the road Many scientific breakthroughs have been made in Shanghai over the last five years. Details of some of these achievements will be on display at ten sites ...
国家时间频率计量中心上海实验室揭牌 - 2019-05-24
The Shanghai laboratory of the national time frequency measurement center was unveiled in the Pudong New Area on Thursday. It will provide timing support in areas such as finance and medical research....
上海安博会开幕 5G技术警用无人机应用引关注 - 2019-05-23
The 5G network is expected to make drones work better for the police, a Shanghai International Public Security Expo forum heard on Wednesday. Currently there are around 6,000 police drones around Chin...
工信部支持创建上海(浦东新区)人工智能创新应用先导区 - 2019-05-22
Shanghai yesterday started to build the country’s first pilot zone for the innovation and application of artificial intelligence. Approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the ...
上海建成和在建的国家重大科技基础设施已达14个 - 2019-05-16
As the old Chinese saying goes, “sharp tools make good work.” To become a city at the forefront of innovation, Shanghai needs the foremost infrastructure facilities. Currently, 14 nation-level major...
张江科学城汇聚创新资源 - 2019-05-15
Many of the city’s old factory buildings have been granted a new lease of life as innovation parks to support the city’s goal to become an innovation center with global influence. Zhangjiang E-Park,...
天马望远镜获上海科技特等奖 - 2019-05-15
Asia's biggest radio telescope, a paradigm for future megacities and cutting-edge cancer treatment are among the innovations honored on Wednesday with Shanghai Science and Technology Awards. The city...
上海科创中心建设成果:国产阿兹海默症新药GV-971 - 2019-05-14
The first drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease, the world’s largest photon scientific infrastructure cluster and a comprehensive, state-level laboratory are among scientific breakthroughs made in Shang...
黄浦将打造医疗健康领域“新硅谷” - 2019-05-10
Shanghai is developing China’s top-level health innovation zone in a downtown historical area that will focus on research for medical products from laboratory to practical use. The health zone or par...
上海浦东张江发布细胞产业园区规划 - 2019-05-09
Shanghai’s major innovative engine of Zhangjiang unveiled a new industrial park to develop cutting-edge cell therapy, a new step forward in its ambition to become a world-class healthcare center. A c...
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