科技创新专题 | Innovation Special Coverage


中以(上海)创新园将于3月底揭牌 - 2019-02-14

Work has started on roads near the new innovation hub for Chinese and Israeli high-tech companies to improve traffic and the environment. The first phase of the China-Israel Innovation Hub in Putuo Di...

上海将着力推动经济高质量发展 - 2019-01-30

SHANGHAI aims to further promote high-quality economic development in 2019, Shanghai Mayor Ying Yong told the meeting. The city’s mayor said that Shanghai’s economic and social development remained ...

李强与政协委员共议重大战略任务 - 2019-01-30

SHANGHAI will work hard this year to play a better role in serving China’s reform and opening-up, Shanghai Party Secretary Li Qiang said at a meeting of the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People’...

世界首批体细胞克隆猴在中国诞生 - 2019-01-24

Local scientists have created the world’s first genetically edited cloned monkeys. The five cloned monkeys were born from July 12 to October 12 at the Institute of Neuroscience of Chinese Academy of ...

江门中微子实验预计2021年建成 - 2019-01-15

The excavation and construction of an area 700 meters underground for the Jiangmen neutrino observatory has been completed, and lab equipment will be installed soon. It was announced yesterday at a Sh...

上海改革科技奖励制度 将外国人纳入授奖范围 - 2019-01-14

Foreign scientists are now allowed to compete in the city’s top science awards, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission has said. In 2006, the city introduced an international cooperation cate...

上海科创中心建设硕果累累 - 2019-01-10

SHANGHAI’S ambition to turn itself into a global center of technological innovation has been given renewed impetus by the performance of city researchers in the National Science and Technology Award....

“中以(上海)创新港”一期落户上海原英雄金笔厂旧址 - 2019-01-03

The former site of a prestigious Shanghai pen factory is set to be redeveloped into an innovation hub for Chinese and Israeli high-tech companies. The Shanghai Hero Pen Factory, a brand dating back to...

北斗将实现快递业亚米级定位 - 2018-12-24

US-owned GPS is synonymous with navigation and positioning, but China’s BeiDou navigation satellite system has started to give the global colossus a run for its money. By the end of 2020, 35 BeiDou...

上海科学家发现新神经细胞 - 2018-12-19

Local scientists have discovered some of the secrets behind itching and scratching that may offer new approaches for treatment. Our brains are programmed to scratch in an attempt to remove any irritan...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
A: 答:请注册登陆本网站“今日上...
Q: 问:如果您想在上海进行采访,...
A: 答:(1) 请注册登陆本网站...
Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...


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