上海推进5G技术应用 改善城市生活 - 2019-05-08
5G technology is reshaping urban life in Shanghai, as the city's first 5G video call was made, and 5G innovations are springing up. Faced with uneven medical resource allocation, the city has been exp...
上海光源工程建设:2021年将拥有近四十条光束线站 - 2019-05-07
The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, known as the “Shanghai light source,” is expected to have 35 working beamlines and 60 experimental stations by the end of 2022, able to accept tens of th...
上海青少年创新作品亮相中国(上海)国际技术进出口交易会 - 2019-04-19
TWENTY-THREEINNOVATIVE works by local teenagers are on display at the seventh China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair. The inventions range from installations for garbage sorting, device to ale...
应勇:上海将着力构建开放创新的新格局 - 2019-04-19
SHANGHAI will focus on building a new pattern of open innovation, bring together global resources and talent, and strengthen intellectual property protection, the city’s Mayor Ying Yong said yesterd...
普陀老工业园区变身中以(上海)创新园 - 2019-04-16
A hi-tech renovation has been completed onto the former site of a prestigious Shanghai pen factory in Putuo District which is set to become an innovation hub for Chinese and Israeli companies. The Sha...
中国自主研发全新靶向抗癌药造福非小细胞肺癌患者 - 2019-04-11
A domestically developed drug targeting one type of lung cancer is expected to complete clinical trials before the end of year and then receive approval for use among patients soon afterward, say expe...
5G技术为健康产业带来全新突破 - 2019-04-10
Let’s say, an older man suddenly feels dizzy in a Shanghai stadium. His vital signs are automatically reported to a medical organization and, if necessary, the stadium’s management can locate him an...
浦东新区生物医药产业基地揭牌 - 2019-04-03
Pudong has expanded its biological medicine footprint, adding four new industry sites. The four sites, each with a theme, occupy nearly 10 square kilometers. Three are in the Zhangjiang area, dubbed ...
上海科研团队首次发现并命名人类新遗传疾病“卵子死亡” - 2019-04-03
Shanghai researchers have discovered the phenotypes and genes responsible for some causes of infertility in women. Researchers from Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University identified four C...
上海专家从源头阻断遗传病通道 遗传病家族诞生健康婴儿 - 2019-03-22
A healthy baby girl was born on Thursday in Shanghai with the help of genetic technology to avoid inherited disease. The birth took place at the International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital...
06月08日 | 21315203 | 受理中 |
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06月12日 | 02131545 | 已办结 |
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