防控新冠肺炎疫情 | Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia

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Waigaoqiao center sets up virus response teams - February 07, 2020

In the face of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Pharmaceutical Business and Distribution Center has established three response teams to contact foreign medical resources suppliers. Last

Shanghai couple donates thousands of mask - February 07, 2020

Districts move to patch up epidemic-hit businesses - February 07, 2020

City calls on businesses to continue containment fight - February 07, 2020

The Shanghai government has called for companies to continue supporting efforts to contain the coronavirus epidemic. "We call for all businesses and the city's residents to overcome difficulties together

Pudong community uses drones to assist virus containment - February 06, 2020

One residential compound in the Pudong New Area is using drones to assist neighborhood efforts to contain the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. As the virus can be transmitted through the air, staying indoors

Emergency medical teams heading to Wuhan - February 05, 2020

Two national medical emergency teams left Shanghai for Wuhan, heart of the coronoavirus epidemic, on Tuesday. One team with 55 members from Shanghai East Hospital and the other with 46 members from Huashan

Online health platforms relieve pressure on hospitals - February 04, 2020

Local hospitals are working to reduce out-patients and avoid overcrowding with measures to promote online health consultations. Online fever and chronic disease consultation platforms have been established

Local communities grapple with virus containment - February 03, 2020

It has been a busy Spring Festival holiday for 52-year-old Lei Aihui, Party secretary of the Fuding residential community in Chonggu Town, Qingpu District. The community is home to 286 people who are

All-out efforts from city mask companies - January 30, 2020

Mask manufacturers on Shanghai's outskirts are in full swing to produce facial masks that can protect against the current coronavirus outbreak. Several major mask factories, mainly in the city's Fengxian

Temperature screenings for all arriving passengers at city airports - January 28, 2020

Shanghai's two airports have begun checking the temperatures of all passengers flying to Shanghai to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus outbreak. Passengers with high temperatures will be

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Q: Q: Is there a place where I can get...
A: A: Log on to http://touch.shio.gov....
Q: Q: What is the easiest way to set u...
A: A: 1. Log on to http://touch.shio.g...
Q: Where can I get an English map of S...
A: English maps of Shanghai are availa...

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