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电商“618”战线蔓延三四线城市 - 2019年06月21日

The 618 mid-year shopping festival which kicked off at the beginning of the month wrapped up this week, and all the evidence indicates that consumption remains strong. JD.com’s transactions between J...

上海已初步建成中国人工智能发展领先地区 - 2019年06月19日

Shanghai has “initially taken a leading position” on development of artificial intelligence, which boosts economic development and innovation and changes people’s daily life in near future, top gov...

从行政模式的科创事业到政府市场合作模式的科创体系建设 - 2019年06月14日

从行政模式的科创事业到政府市场合作模式的科创体系建设 ——七十年中国科技创新发展体制的演变 黄烨菁 上海社会科学院世界经济研究所 研究员     纵观我国在科学研究和技术创新体制演进的历程,可以通过四个发展阶...

中国将坚定资本市场对外开放 - 2019年06月14日

China will further reform and open up its financial markets, boost more financial support to the real economy and enhance the adaptability of financial supplies, top officials said on Thursday at the ...

蚂蚁金服井贤栋:用科技发展普惠金融 - 2019年06月14日

Technology will play an indispensable role in covering the “last mile” of delivering financial services to the world’s unbanked populations, according to experts at this year’s Lujiazui Forum. Eri...

科创板正式开板 预计2个月内开市交易 - 2019年06月14日

China inaugurated its new sci-tech board on Thursday, and expected to see the first batch of companies listed on the board within two months. The Nasdaq-style board on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, for...

韩正主持召开推动长三角一体化发展领导小组全体会议 - 2019年06月06日

Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng has urged efforts to push forward Yangtze River Delta integration, focusing on high-quality development. While promoting regional integration, efforts should be taken to...

2019中国(上海)国际食品博览会在沪举办 - 2019年06月06日

The 2019 China (Shanghai) International Food Expo opened at the Shanghai Exhibition Center on Wednesday. The sixth edition of the expo, which runs till Friday, features around 400 food brands from hom...

电信联合上海打造双千兆城市 未来三年投资180亿 - 2019年05月31日

China Telecom will invest 18 billion yuan (US$2.6 billion) in Shanghai on 5G network construction and broadband upgrades within three years, the carrier said on Thursday. It has signed an agreement wi...

辉瑞普强全球总部落户中国上海 - 2019年05月31日

Pfizer has officially launched the global headquarters of its generic and off-patent drug unit Pfizer Upjohn in Shanghai on Thursday, the first of its kind for a multinational drug company. Michael Go...

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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...