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38个外资项目在上海集中签约 - 2019年05月31日

A batch of 38 major foreign-funded projects with a total investment value of 49.2 billion yuan (US$7.1 billion) was signed in Shanghai on Thursday. Also this morning, Pfizer Upjohn, a division of Pfiz...

中国多家金融科技公司被纳入富时罗素全球指数体系 - 2019年05月30日

Several Chinese online finance firms have been added to the MSCI Index, Shanghai Daily learned on Wednesday. New York-listed Jianpu Technology Inc, which posted good first quarter results, was added t...

上海出台单用途预付消费卡管理实施办法 - 2019年05月30日

Shanghai has issued new regulations on commercial prepaid cards, further specifying rules and policies in terms of information management, risk control and regular supervision. The city government's "...

新加坡华侨银行和上海银行签署合作备忘录 - 2019年05月28日

OCBC Bank, the oldest financial services group in Singapore and the second largest in Southeast Asia, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Bank of Shanghai, deepening their strategic partners...

"上海论坛2019" 聚焦全球变局中的亚洲 - 2019年05月28日

Asian countries should join hands to navigate a world full of new challenges posed by growing protectionism and technological innovations, according to a high-profile forum that opened on Saturday in ...

上海解放70年产业发展战略演变 - 2019年05月27日

今年是上海解放70周年。作为中国经济重镇的上海,在产业结构优化与产业发展战略调整上,走过四个大的发展阶段: 1、改革开放前(1949-1978):赶超战略指导下的“超前重化工业阶段”。这一时期,限于当时重工业建设...

资本市场创新推动上海科创中心建设 - 2019年05月27日

China’s surging capital markets, including the coming innovation board in Shanghai, are a “magic power” to help the city become a global science and technology center — Shanghai’s long-term strat...

中国消费者对高品质食品需求不断增长 - 2019年05月24日

Exporters and trade bodies are looking to introduce more food and beverages to China to satisfy the growing demand for high quality products. Nicolas Dandois, the European Union delegation to China’s...

中国长三角网络电台开播 - 2019年05月24日

An official Internet radio and streaming platform went on air on Tuesday, covering the latest developments in Yangtze River Delta integration. Head of Shanghai Development and Reform Commission Ma Chu...

2019上海浦江创新论坛即将启幕 - 2019年05月22日

This year’s Pujiang Innovation Forum will get closer to entrepreneurs, highlight the young power in innovation, explore futuristic visions and go more international in pursuit of integrated developme...

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Q: 问:如果想要迅速了解上海这座...
A: 答:请注册登陆本网站“今日上...
Q: 问:如果您想在上海进行采访,...
A: 答:(1) 请注册登陆本网站...
Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...