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上海发布“扩大开放100条” 为发展赢得新机遇 - 2018年07月13日

Shanghai yesterday introduced 100 new measures as it continues to play a leading role in the latest opening-up efforts of China. Under the measures announced by the city government yesterday, Shanghai...

特斯拉50万产能工厂落户上海 - 2018年07月13日

US electric carmaker Tesla will set up a wholly owned factory in Shanghai, which will be the city’s largest foreign-invested manufacturing project. With an annual capacity of 500,000 cars, the factor...

首届中国国际进口博览会欢迎专业观众注册 - 2018年07月06日

The first China International Import Expo said on its official WeChat account late on Wednesday that professional visitors are welcome to register at its registration channel. Professional visitors ar...

上海进一步限制企业购买住房 - 2018年07月06日

Shanghai took a further step in its fight against housing speculation last night by stating that only qualified enterprises will be allowed to purchase new residential units in the city, following sim...

世界移动大会上海站--移动科技促进生活智慧互联 - 2018年06月29日

Solar-power backpacks, smart dustbins, eye-tracking VR and 3D sensing cameras on smartphones — mobile technologies and products are shining during the ongoing Mobile World Congress Shanghai (MWCS). T...

中国移动将与云技术、VR及智能驾驶领域展开合作 - 2018年06月29日

China Mobile is teaming up with several partners to explore prospects in cloud, VR and smart driving sectors as the world’s biggest telecommunication carrier transforms its business and diversify its...

上海自贸区推扩大金融开放25条 - 2018年06月22日

Foreign financial institutions will be allowed to establish a branch and subsidiary at the same time while foreigners can own majority stakes in domestic life insurance companies in Shanghai Pilot Fre...

中国拟上调个税起征点 - 2018年06月22日

China is considering raising the personal income tax threshold to 5,000 yuan (US$772) per month — 60,000 yuan a year — from the current 3,500 yuan, according to a draft amendment. The draft was subm...

中国人民银行将全力支持上海发展 - 2018年06月15日

Yi Gang, governor of the People’s Bank of China, yesterday said the central bank will support Shanghai as it opens up and reforms the financial sector. Speaking at the Lujiazui Forum, Yi said the cen...

李强出席第十届陆家嘴论坛开幕式暨第一次全体大会并作主旨演讲 - 2018年06月15日

Li Qiang, Party secretary of Shanghai, yesterday said the city will speed up its efforts in building an international financial hub and a credit pilot zone in the Yangtze River Delta. Li was speaking ...

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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...