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2025年实行更加积极的财政政策 - 2024年12月26日

The recent meetings of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Central Economic Work Conference have underscored the importance of implementing a more aggressive fiscal policy in 2025. It is a significant and prudent strategic decision, leveraging China's robust economic foundation and institutional advantages to seize historical opportunities and navigate a complex international economic landscape.

中国和中东欧需要在2025年挖掘更多潜力 - 2024年12月25日

China proposed the high-quality Belt and Road Initiative for tangible win-win cooperation between participants and to face challenges together at a time when the world was undergoing drastic changes and facing major challenges. Central and Eastern European countries, lying between Asia and Europe, are important participants in this initiative.

上海引领城市治理现代化 - 2024年12月24日

Shanghai's recent efforts in urban governance have marked a significant step toward modernizing China's city management system. At the heart of these innovations lie two key concepts: "whole-process people's democracy" and the "people's city."

“超出所有预期”的25年 - 2024年12月23日

Over the past few weeks I have been asked to summarize my assessment of the first 25 years of the existence of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and my standard answer has been "beyond all expectations".

三要素助力澳门快速发展 - 2024年12月22日

The Macao Special Administrative Region is in a fast-forward development mode thanks to the "one country, two systems" policy, a framework that allows the region to be part of the whole and, at the same time, to keep its differences and transform them into advantages.

澳门回归纪念活动肯定“一国两制”成功 - 2024年12月19日

By any yardstick, the "one country, two systems" policy has more than proved its worth in Macao, and joyous celebrations on the 25th anniversary are wholly warranted. While maintaining the best of the past, it has provided a framework for the city's relentless progress.

中国经济能够抵御外部风险 - 2024年12月18日

China is not promoting the misguided geopolitical fragmentation the West has touted in the past seven years. Instead, these reluctant moves signal to the incoming Trump administration that unilateralism has no future in a multipolar world economy. They reflect a desire for a sensible bilateral dialogue.

有利于地区和平与发展的睦邻外交 - 2024年12月16日

Since China is geographically and culturally connected with its neighboring countries, sharing mutual interests, it is committed to a foreign policy of good-neighborliness and friendship in its immediate vicinity. Guided by the philosophy that "close neighbors are better than distant relatives," China prioritizes its neighborhood diplomacy, adhering to the principles of "amity, sincerity, reciprocity, and inclusiveness" to promote peace, stability, development, and prosperity in the region and beyond.

中央经济工作会议将如何塑造2025年经济? - 2024年12月15日

China concluded the much-awaited annual Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC) on Dec 12, outlining the government's main economic objectives and policy plans for 2025, which are largely in line with our CEWC preview and Politburo meeting.

中国致力于加强上合组织在全球秩序中的作用 - 2024年12月15日

China will enhance solidarity and coordination with other member states to build the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a stable force in the international order, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said last Friday.

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