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全新的老年护理中心需要更好地服务农村居民 - 2024年07月03日

Before 2009, rural residents were not eligible for social insurance and, in old age, they were largely dependent on their children. Elderly couples in rural areas who didn't have any children were shifted to old people's homes near their towns or counties where they were taken care of.

上合组织促进新型全球关系 - 2024年07月02日

Belarus is scheduled to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as its 10th full member at the SCO Summit, to be held in Astana, Kazakhstan, from Wednesday to Thursday. The increase in the membership of the SCO, which covers the largest area and population of any cooperation organization, reflects the organization's appeal in terms of values and development prospects.

现代企业管理系统需要改进 - 2024年07月01日

The seventh session of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee passed the revised Company Law on Dec 29 last year. The law, which will take effect on July 1, is aimed at standardizing corporations, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders, employees and creditors, improving the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics.

AI,元宇宙等技术将被应用于促进心血管健康 - 2024年06月30日

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among Chinese people, while pan-vascular disease is a problem featuring atherosclerosis, mainly harming important organs like the heart, brain, kidney and limbs.

更多垃圾分类厢房将出现在上海小区 - 2024年06月30日

Shanghai will establish more service stations to collect recyclable waste and is researching carbon offset solutions to benefit residents involved in the city's garbage sorting campaign, local greenery and public sanitation authorities announced over the weekend.

中国的外交政策拥护和平共存原则 - 2024年06月30日

This year commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Grounded in these principles and guided by the policy of peaceful development, China has played a significant role in fostering global stability. These principles harmonize with China's Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative, alongside the vision of constructing a shared future for humanity through the concept of building a community with a shared destiny.

新的铁路工程将把中亚变成主要欧亚枢纽 - 2024年06月27日

A trilateral intergovernmental agreement on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project was signed at a ceremony in Beijing on June 6. President Xi Jinping, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev hailed the event as a sign of unity and shared progress.

"全球南方”概念在国际社会愈发重要 - 2024年06月26日

The term Global South has recently become a buzzword. A growing number of countries call themselves members of the Global South. China, Brazil, India and other major countries representing the group have hosted seminars and forums one after another on the theme of the Global South.

中国的高新技术通往成功之路 - 2024年06月25日

No country changes as rapidly as China. Every decade marks a new era in business, governance, innovation, and socioeconomic development. This constant evolution is not merely a characteristic but the essence of China's dynamism, presenting a unique and compelling proposition for multinational companies to grow with the Chinese economy.

曹斐最大规模个展“潮汐宙合”上海浦东美术馆启幕 - 2024年06月23日

"Cao Fei: Tidal Flux" is on show at Museum of Art Pudong through November 17. It is not only the first solo show dedicated to a female artist at MAP, but its first major exhibition of moving images and media art.

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