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联盟已成为科学怪人 - 2024年07月10日

The NATO Summit to be held in Washington from July 9 to 11 will without doubt be yet another exercise in US and Western bluster and triumphalism, as well as empty posturing in what in reality has been for at least 23 years a multipolar world.

杨浦将继续努力创造良好的营商环境 - 2024年07月09日

Shanghai's Yangpu District released a new action plan for foreign investment on Monday, and it was witnessed by business environment observers from various media who were invited hear the voices of investors.

新的优质生产力需要大量人才 - 2024年07月09日

As demonstrated by the late Robert Lucas, founding father of endogenous economic growth theory, modern economies thrive on significant investments in human capital through their education systems. Yet domestically produced talent alone is not enough.

围绕 " 闪耀在浦美 SHINE IN MAP" 的主题,浦东美术馆迎来三周年 - 2024年07月08日

The Museum of Art Pudong (MAP) is celebrating its third anniversary with this summer's theme being "Shine In MAP."

智能金融联盟在世界人工智能大会上扩大规模 - 2024年07月08日

The Intelligent Finance Open Ecology Alliance welcomed new members at WAIC 2024, showcasing the deepening integration of artificial intelligence (AI) within the financial sector and the spread of smart, reliable accounting applications across diverse industries.

中孟始终携手合作,共创美好未来 - 2024年07月08日

At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is paying an official visit to China from Monday to Wednesday. This is Sheikh Hasina's fifth visit to China and her first in five years.

习近平对哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦的国事访问预示着新的曙光 - 2024年07月08日

Following the successful celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and adoption of "Beijing Declaration" on June 28, Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to make historic state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan from July 2 to 6.

特斯拉进入政府采购目录! - 2024年07月07日

Several state-owned enterprises in the Shanghai pilot free trade zone have recently procured a batch of Tesla Model Y vehicles for corporate use, marking Tesla's entry into China's government procurement arena, local authorities said.

上海合作组织务实合作体现新型国际关系 - 2024年07月07日

It is the Shanghai Spirit and a shared recognition of its goals and objectives that have knitted together countries with different political systems, cultural traditions and levels of socioeconomic development in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is good to see that the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO, in the Kazakh capital of Astana last Wednesday and Thursday, has harvested new fruits in that spirit.

上合组织有助于维护稳定,促进繁荣 - 2024年07月04日

The Belt and Road Initiative has yielded fruitful results for both China and Kazakhstan, and become not only a brand of Chinese diplomacy but also an effective tool for strengthening international cooperation, promoting global growth and helping build a community with a shared future for mankind.

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