科技创新专题 | Innovation Special Coverage


新冠病毒中和抗体临床试验启动 - 2020-06-08

Shanghai has begun clinical trials on a home-grown neutralizing antibody treatment for the coronavirus, offering hope to both affected and unaffected people. The new drug, JS016, co-developed by Shang...

儿童脑科学中心在上海成立 - 2020-05-29

A children’s brain science center, under the National Children’s Medical Center, has been established in the city to pursue research into adolescent brain development and enhance capabilities in bra...

华东师大成立医学与健康研究院 - 2020-05-26

A health science center was inaugurated at the East China Normal University over the weekend. Guan Youfei, honorary director of the center, said it will give priority to high-end talent cultivation an...

抓创新谋未来强化科创策源功能 上海市科学技术奖励大会举行 - 2020-05-20

The city’s top awards for scientific and technological achievements have become more diverse and international than ever this year. The 2019 Shanghai Science and Technology Awards honored 308 scient...

国妇婴团队从基因层面阻断婴儿遗传疾病项目获上海市科技进步一等奖 - 2020-05-20

Local experts are conducting groundbreaking research on the mechanisms of developmental and genetically inherited diseases. Studies by experts from Shanghai International Peace Maternity and Child He...

仁济医院发表全球首个CAR-T细胞治疗晚期肝细胞癌成果 - 2020-05-15

Local experts have completed the world’s first phase-1 clinical trial on CAR-T treatment for terminal liver cancer. Their research was published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research. A patient for...

医生“透视”病人体内血管 混合现实MR技术国际首次引导完成游离皮瓣切取术 - 2020-05-09

Local doctors are using mixed reality (MR) technology to have a clearer view of patients’ blood vessels, and have already conducted the world’s first skin removal surgery using MR surgical navigatio...

中国学者找到急性缺血性卒中治疗新方案 - 2020-05-08

Changhai Hospital released research on Thursday on a treatment for strokes it says can improve efficiency and reduce costs. The research, led by Liu Jianmin, a neurosurgery professor, compares the tre...

上海科技大学两项成果登上《科学》 - 2020-04-29

A team from the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies, ShanghaiTech University, has become the first in the world to discover the precise molecular mechanism which makes anti-tubercul...

中国科学家研究助力抗疫 - 2020-04-29

Chinese scientists are testing a self-developed complex on its potential to work against COVID-19, providing a possible new approach to the prevention and treatment of the coronavirus, according to an...

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A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...


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