科技创新专题 | Innovation Special Coverage


沪科研团队就肥胖症靶点发表最新成果 - 2020-04-26

Researchers at the iHuman Institute of ShanghaiTech University have made a major discovery about a protein that has a role in controlling obesity. Their findings were published in the international jo...

中国专家自主研发肺癌治疗三代靶向新药获批上市 - 2020-04-20

The nation’s first self-developed targeted drug for terminal lung cancer patients who have developed a resistance to drugs has been approved by the national authority, experts from Shanghai Chest Hos...

植物基因网络新发现 - 2020-04-13

New research has revealed that, just like humans, plants have evolved a genetic network to regulate microbiome and maintain health. Plants grow with various microbes such as bacteria, fungi and oomyce...

三阴性乳腺癌治疗“中国方案”首发 - 2020-04-13

Experts from the Shanghai Cancer Center have announced a new combined chemotherapy treatment targeting the toughest type of breast cancer is able to improve the five-year disease-free survival rate by...

上海专家分享预防炎性肠病知识 - 2020-04-13

A Shanghai doctor has shared his expertise in coronavirus prevention and control, and has also given suggestions for the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease during the pandemic with...

神经元“超级替补”让失明小鼠恢复视力 - 2020-04-09

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s happen when neurons die. So far, there is no cure but Shanghai scientists have found a way to transform other cells into neurons. Neuro...

上海科学家发现长非编码RNA物种差异加工及其功能演变 - 2020-04-08

Shanghai scientists have discovered distinct roles of a mysterious biomolecule in different species, shedding light on the terra incognita of the genomic revolution. Long noncoding RNAs, lncRNAs, are ...

沪企一新冠病毒核酸快速检测产品获批 90分钟可出结果 - 2020-03-30

A nucleic acid testing reagent which can reveal the result within 90 minutes, developed by a Shanghai company, has been approved, the city market watchdog announced on Saturday. The 2019-nCoV nucleic ...

上海研制新冠病毒核酸标准物质获批 可有效评价试剂盒准确性 - 2020-03-24

A new coronavirus nucleic acid reference material developed by Shanghai researchers has been approved for use in testing kits, the city's market watchdog announced on Monday. The new material includes...

上海疫苗研发取得新进展:小鼠免疫实验已产生特异性抗体 - 2020-03-17

A candidate vaccine for the novel coronavirus is expected to enter clinical trials next month, city official Zhang Quan told a press conference on Monday. At present, researchers are carrying out toxi...

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