
科技创新专题 | Innovation Special Coverage


上海市知识产权局:推动防疫创新成果产业化 - 2020-03-09

The city’s Intellectual Property Administration says it has adopted a number of measures to support enterprises amid the coronavirus epidemic. These include providing green channels, strengthening pa...

上海11628家高新技术企业复工,复工率达90% - 2020-03-09

As local businesses recover from the novel coronavirus outbreak, 11,628 of the city’s 12,861 high-tech companies have resumed work, said technology official Lu Min in the city government’s daily pre...

人工智能技术投入抗疫前线 - 2020-03-04

The COVID-19 outbreak has triggered the wide use of artificial intelligence-backed technologies, reducing the risk of cross-infection and increasing efficiency in containing the spread. In hospitals, ...

无人机和机器人投入抗疫一线 - 2020-03-02

He Zhengdao sent out the last batch of disinfection robots in stock to virus-hit areas. Then he called engineers to a meeting to discuss upgrading robots for use in preventing the spread of COVID-19. ...

上海市科委启动实施“悬赏揭榜制”和“首功奖励制”对取得实效的胜出者、为疫情防控作出突出贡献的项目给予奖励 - 2020-02-24

Scientists who contribute to the fight against COVID-19 will be rewarded, whether from home or abroad, according to Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. Breakthroughs in quick detection of the ...

上海科技创新资源数据中心成欧洲开放科学云首家非欧洲成员机构 - 2020-02-24

A local data sharing platform has become the first outside of Europe to join the European Commission's Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Resources Center (SSTIR) ha...

上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院团队研发的现场快速检测试剂盒获科技部优先支持 - 2020-02-24

Scientists in Shanghai and Hunan have developed two rapid coronavirus test kits. A team from Renji Hospital and Hunan University has announced that they have developed a COVID-19 detection product tha...

陈凯先院士:羟氯喹治疗新冠肺炎临床试验启动 - 2020-02-14

Shanghai has launched clinical trials to test the efficiency of an anti-rheumatic drug in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia, according to academician Chen Kaixian. As yet, there is no speci...

上海市疾控中心成功分离到4株新冠病毒毒株 - 2020-02-12

The Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that it has four coronavirus strains in its laboratory after being authorized by the national CDC to conduct coronavirus strain cul...

上海人工智能企业积极投入抗击疫情保卫战 - 2020-02-06

Shanghai’s artificial intelligence companies are joining the fight against the coronavirus epidemic with technologies covering gene analysis, disease diagnosis, touchless fever detection, SOHO learni...

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