

上海作为全球时尚、零售中心的地位因新来者而巩固 - 2023年01月17日

Shanghai remained the biggest attraction and most preferred choice for newly opened debut stores and flagship retail outlets in China, a latest industry study shows.

上海一小区内车上的血手印引出的暖心故事 - 2023年01月16日

The police were alerted when people reported blood-tainted handprints on cars and found a drunken man suffering from a skull fracture and brain hemorrhage, who was saved at last.

上海出入境管理局春节假期公告 - 2023年01月16日

The Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau and its branches around the city will suspend services during the upcoming weeklong Spring Festival holiday, the bureau said.The holiday will start on Sat

中国和欧洲的火星探测器帮助探测太阳附近的大气层 - 2023年01月16日

In an "almost-out-of-service" period in 2021, China's Tianwen-1 orbiter, along with Mars Express of the European Space Agency, helped solar scientists know more about what happens near the sun.

考虑在上海建设制造设施 - 2023年01月16日

Asensing, a Chinese startup specializing in high-precision positioning technology, is building a large manufacturing base involving production and research and development in Shanghai, one of China's most important automotive manufacturing hubs.

上海将继续监测新冠肺炎 - 2023年01月16日

Health authorities in Shanghai will continue to focus on the pathogen surveillance of COVID-19 and conduct regular monitoring of the virus and its transmission patterns, said a member of Shanghai's political advisory body during the ongoing two sessions in the city.

上海被敦促减少建筑业二氧化碳排放,发展氢能行业 - 2023年01月16日

Shanghai should cut its carbon dioxide emissions in the construction industry and accelerate development of the hydrogen energy sector to meet national CO2 targets, deputies to the Shanghai People's Congress said at the ongoing Two Sessions.

探索陶瓷艺术的过去和未来 - 2023年01月16日

A colorful and splendid roll of ceramic art was unfolded at the Baoku Culture Center inside the iconic Shanghai Tower in the Pudong New Area on Sunday, presenting a feast for the eyes with works from 30 artists.

市长:当上海努力变得更绿色、更宜居、更吸引人才时,一座更美好的城市就在眼前 - 2023年01月15日

Shanghai is striving to become greener, more liveable and more attractive to talented workers from around the world.

市长概述了实现经济增长的政策 - 2023年01月15日

Shanghai will give priority to launching pioneer and integrated policies, issuing new bailout measures, and optimizing the business environment to stabilize economic growth this year, the city's mayor has said.

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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...