

上海建设更多公共图书馆 - 2023年01月05日

Fifteen urban reading spaces called "city libraries" were opened in Shanghai's Minhang district last year.

上海准备迎接春节旅行高峰 - 2023年01月05日

Shanghai's transport networks are gearing up for the Spring Festival travel rush, which will run for 40 days from January 7 to February 15. About 13.32 million passengers are expected to depart Shanghai, while the city will likely welcome over 12.76 million passengers during this period.

上海113家社区诊所提供口服新冠肺炎药物 - 2023年01月05日

Azivudine, an oral drug for treating COVID-19, is currently available in 115 secondary and tertiary hospitals as well as 113 community-based clinics in Shanghai. Patients can get the medicine after they are assessed by community doctors, news portal reported.

复星新冠肺炎药丸抵达上海社区医院 - 2023年01月05日

Fosun Pharma's Azvudine, China's first self-developed oral medication for COVID-19, has started to enter Shanghai's lower-level hospitals.

上海航空公司将恢复出港航班 - 2023年01月05日

Shanghai-based Spring Airlines announced it will resume flights between Shanghai and Thailand's Phuket, as well as Guangdong province's Guangzhou and Chiang Mai of Thailand, starting in January.

近70亿美元的货物从上海RCEP中受益 - 2023年01月05日

More than 48 billion yuan (about 6.9 billion U.S. dollars) of imports and exports under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement have been handled by the Shanghai Customs, with more than 600 million yuan of tariffs reduced, according to the Shanghai customs on Wednesday.

社区医院具备提供早期COVID检测和分级治疗的能力 - 2023年01月04日

Shanghai is boosting the medical capability of local grassroots hospitals so that they can offer services like early detection and tiered treatment of COVID-19 patients, thereby relieving pressure on city-level hospitals, the municipal government said in a statement on Tuesday.

上海地标性建筑徐家汇地区全面倾斜施工 - 2023年01月04日

Construction is on in full swing in the landmark Xujiahui area to upgrade one of Shanghai's major shopping hubs with a new skyscraper, skywalks and sports facilities.

上海最低工资标准位居中国大陆首位 - 2023年01月04日

The minimum wage for full-time employees in Shanghai is 2,590 yuan (US$375) per month, the highest on the Chinese mainland, according to a chart of minimum pay standards in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

新战舰将进行海试 - 2023年01月03日

The CNS Fujian, China's third aircraft carrier, will undergo trials at sea this year, according to Senior Captain Qian Shumin, executive officer of the vessel.

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