

中国航空公司增加C919喷气客机验证航班的频率 - 2023年01月03日

Entering the new year, China Eastern Airlines has increased the frequency of validation flights for C919 large passenger jetliner, China's first homegrown large jetliner.

新年假期上海在线消费激增 - 2023年01月03日

Online consumption in Shanghai experienced a significant recovery during the New Year holiday, according to latest sales data by the Consumer Market Big Data Laboratory (Shanghai).

上海保持集装箱吞吐量世界第一 - 2023年01月03日

Shanghai's container throughput ranked No. 1 globally for the 13th consecutive year in 2022, thanks to technological innovations, new regional expansion and new business development.

上海公园与企鹅宝宝一起庆祝新年 - 2023年01月02日

Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park, in the Pudong New Area, welcomed a new life with the New Year – an Adelie penguin.

上海一线医院呼吁非紧急新冠肺炎患者在危重病例高峰时前往准备充分的基层医院 - 2023年01月02日

Shanghai top-tier hospitals call for hospital visits by non-urgent patients shunted to sub-tier hospitals which have been prepared with diagnosis and treatment as well as both imported and domestic antiviral medicine for COVID-19, to leave life-saving emergency resources to critical cases, which have gradually peaked in the city.

上海否认殡葬服务谣言,坚持每个焚化炉火化一具尸体,维护死者尊严 - 2023年01月02日

The Shanghai municipal government announced on Sunday that the city's funeral system insisted on upholding the dignity of the deceased and the rights and interests of families, debunking rumors circulating online which claimed funeral parlors in the city were cremating two or more corpses in one incinerator.

特斯拉中国将开始交付两款新车型 - 2023年01月02日

Tesla China will begin delivering the Model S Plaid and the Model X Plaid to customers on the Chinese mainland in the first half of 2023, the company has said.

中国长江三角洲贷款余额上升 - 2023年01月02日

The balance of loans in the Yangtze River Delta region was 56.48 trillion yuan (8.11 trillion U.S. dollars) at the end of November 2022, up 13.8 percent year on year.

意大利博物馆的杰作在上海展出 - 2023年01月02日

An exhibition featuring masterpieces from the National Archaeological Museum of Naples in Italy has opened to the public in Shanghai. It's being held at Museum of Art Pudong (MAP) and will last until April 9, 2023.

上海科创板市场规模达到8330亿美元 - 2023年01月02日

Three and a half years on from its launch, the stocks listed on Shanghai's tech-focused Star Market have a combined value of CNY5.8 trillion (USD833 billion), according to Shanghai Stock Exchange data.

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