

获得日本新冠特效药后 上海医药股价飙升 - 2022年12月27日

Shares of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding rose sharply today after the Chinese firm announced it had gained exclusive import and distribution rights to Ensitrelvir, an anti-Covid-19 oral drug developed by a Japanese company.

中国科学家设计灵感来自章鱼的变色机 - 2022年12月26日

A group of Chinese roboticists have designed a minuscule machine that can mimic octopuses whose cell pigments change color under chemical stress.

第一架C919启动100小时验证飞行 - 2022年12月26日

China Eastern Airlines, which received the world's first C919 earlier this month, announced the launch of a 100-hour verification flight starting Monday.

特斯拉在中国大陆推出第10000台增压器 - 2022年12月26日

Tesla launched its 10,000th supercharger in the Chinese mainland on Monday, the U.S. carmaker said.The supercharger is located under the Oriental Pearl Tower, a landmark building in Shanghai's financi

特斯拉暂停上海工厂的维修生产 - 2022年12月26日

Tesla is conducting preventive maintenance of its production line at its Shanghai plant, which is putting manufacturing on hold at the carmaker's first overseas facility.

“高质量”、“隐形冠军”第一财经2022年的一些关键词 - 2022年12月26日

'High quality,' 'hidden champions' and 'age of intelligence' are a few of the 10 key words picked by Chinese financial news outlet Yicai Media Group to measure China's economic development and industrial upgrading in the year 2022.

由于人员短缺,地铁列车间隔时间暂时增加 - 2022年12月26日

Metro riders are advised to allow more time for taking the Metro in the coming days because the Shanghai Metro is adjusting operations based on passenger traffic and staff availability.

社区卫生中心与发热门诊一样运作良好 - 2022年12月26日

The city's neighborhood health centers have shouldered care for half the number of people with fevers, reducing the pressure on leading public hospitals, the Shanghai Health Commission said.

救护车和急救部门应对患者增加 - 2022年12月26日

All the city's ambulances and hospital emergency departments are running at full speed, dealing with the rising number of patients due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to health authorities.

城市采取行动确保就业和稳定生产 - 2022年12月25日

Shanghai has issued measures to stabilize employment and retain workers in an orderly manner, to guarantee normal production and life amid the current labor shortage in some industries.

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