

中国上汽集团预计今年新能源汽车销量将突破100万辆 - 2022年12月21日

Chinese car manufacturing giant SAIC Motor is on track to ship more than one million new energy vehicles this year as sales rocket.

门诊、急诊无需核酸报告 - 2022年12月20日

Shanghai's medical institutes will no longer check nucleic acid test results for outpatients from Tuesday to avert refusal or delayed treatment, according to the city's health commission.

著名品牌在豫园举办新年集市 - 2022年12月20日

Shanghai's time-honored brands will jointly launch new products, blending traditional Chinese cultures and innovative designs, to boost consumption for the New Year festival.

成本,新冠肺炎将中国酒店推向服务机器人的怀抱 - 2022年12月20日

More and more service robots are appearing in the lobbies of Chinese hotels, as the nation’s hospitality venues seek to cut costs and the spread of Covid-19.

上海试点项目,将人民币/海外货币账户合并为一个账户 - 2022年12月20日

The Shanghai branch of the People's Bank of China (PBC), China's central bank, has launched a pilot project in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) to allow firms to combine yuan and overseas currencies accounts into one, according to media reports on Monday.

11月上海经济放缓缓解 - 2022年12月20日

Shanghai's Economic Slowdown Eases in NovemberThe slowdown in Shanghai's economy eased last month, according to official data.Retail sales of consumer goods in the city fell 3.9 percent from a year ag

上海各区为高危人群老年人注射第二针加强针 - 2022年12月20日

Jinshan district in Shanghai on Monday initiated a plan to inoculate COVID-19 second booster shot for high-risk groups and the elderly residents, a latest move along with some other regions across China such as Beijing to step up the protection of vulnerable groups amid the anti-virus response optimization.

上海在社区开设2600家发热门诊 - 2022年12月20日

Shanghai began to utilize up to 2,600 community-level fever clinics starting on Monday to tackle the swelling demands for medical treatments in the city's upgraded efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

巴斯夫首个中国储能基地在上海上线 - 2022年12月19日

BASF's first power storage facility in China came into operation on Friday at the German chemical giant's Shanghai Pudong Innovation Park.Jointly built by BASF and Three Gorges Electric Energy, the ne

上海脐带血移植符合国际标准 - 2022年12月19日

The match rate among Chinese for samples from the Shanghai Cord Blood Bank is 100 percent, and the bank has completed over 6,300 transplants, bank officials told the China Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant and Ethics Summit in the city last Sunday.

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