城市允许在公共区域设置摊位 - 2023年02月21日
Shanghai authorities are soliciting feedback from the public on a new notification that would further improve rules over the operation of stalls set up in public areas.
中国造船商向深圳天然气公司交付世界上最大的远洋、内河液化天然气运输船 - 2023年02月21日
Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group said it has delivered the world's largest river-sea intermodal liquefied natural gas carrier to a Chinese gas supplier.
上海重点项目:白龙港污水厂承担新项目 - 2023年02月21日
Construction of a new project for wastewater disposal, which is part of the Bailonggang sewage plant is underway.
上海浦东机场参与器官接力拯救生命 - 2023年02月21日
Shanghai on Monday carried out a plane-and-helicopter relay to transport lifesaving human organs to a local hospital, reported.
联合利华希望在中国再增长100年 - 2023年02月20日
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Unilever's first entry into the China market, and the company is poised to grow together with China for another 100 years, said Zeng Xiwen, Unilever's vice-president for China corporate affairs.
主题公园在中国加速发展 - 2023年02月20日
China has become the world's second-largest market for theme park industry, and the growth momentum continued even during the COVID-19 period with new investment,said Chen Jie, general manager at Legoland Shanghai Resort, during an interview Sunday.
上海保险交易所推出数字交易系统 - 2023年02月20日
The Shanghai Insurance Exchange added another digital transaction platform as it formally launched its life insurance trading system on Thursday to provide an efficient dealing venue for insurers and intermediaries.
1月份上海浦东、虹桥国际机场的航空客运量增长超过30% - 2023年02月20日
Passenger throughput at Pudong International Airport and Hongqiao International Airport, Shanghai's two air hubs, rose more than 30 percent last month from a year earlier.
由女高音歌唱家何慧主演的普契尼新版《托斯卡》将在上海首映 - 2023年02月20日
A brand-new version of Puccini's "Tosca" is premiering at the Shanghai Grand Theater this week, starring soprano He Hui, one of China's best recognized opera singers.
上海市重点项目:外环线东段改造中 - 2023年02月20日
One of the recently launched big projects this year is the renovation of the eastern section of Shanghai's Outer Ring Road.