

为什么专家建议高烧新冠病人不应洗澡 - 2022年12月28日

Due to the rising prevalence of COVID-19 in Shanghai, people are asking if they can take a bath after contracting COVID. Physicians have advised caution.

如何找到离住所最近的发热门诊 - 2022年12月28日

Shanghai's 2,371 fever clinics can be now accessed on "随申办", making information on the nearest medical services more easily available for local residents, they city's health authority said on Tuesday.

上海市内医院以及医护人员加强疫情防控力度 - 2022年12月28日

The Shanghai Health Commission has issued a notice on safeguarding medical staff on the front line of COVID prevention and control to ensure the normal and orderly operation of medical institutions.

疫情管理放松 北京上海的餐厅营收好转 - 2022年12月28日

More people are dining out at restaurants in China's major cities, especially Beijing and Shanghai, as the country relaxes pandemic prevention measures and as those who have recovered from the latest wave of Covid-19 return to work.

内地1月8日起取消入境集中隔离 - 2022年12月27日

The State Council of China said on Tuesday that from January 8, no centralized quarantine or mass PCR testing will be undertaken on international travelers entering China.

上海举办瓷器展览促进中日友好合作 - 2022年12月27日

Borrowing the idea of shanzhi, a word from the classic work of philosophy the Tao Te Ching meaning "cultivation," an art exhibition dedicated to showing the cultural bonds between China and Japan through ceramic art kicked off in Shanghai on Monday.

调查显示95后年轻人最喜欢的城市为北京,上海,深圳 - 2022年12月27日

Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen are the top three most attractive cities for people born after 1995, who have an obvious tendency of working and living in cities in the east part of China, said a survey conducted by Chinese job hunting platform Zhilian Zhaopin.

上海为感染新冠病毒医护人员开放免费酒店 - 2022年12月27日

A downtown hotel catered exclusively to medical staff has been opened in Shanghai's Huangpu district.

国内旅游目的地搜索量激增 - 2022年12月27日

Searches for tour products involving overseas destinations have increased significantly since China's further relaxation of COVID-19 controls, according to travel operators.

上海发热门诊出诊量激增 - 2022年12月27日

Ruan Sheng, an ambulance driver at the South Branch Center of Shanghai Medical Emergency Center, has run an average of 20 trips each day for the last week with his teammates.

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