

亚信峰会中的市民志愿者 - 2014年05月20日

FOR some Shanghai residents, this week’s CICA summit represents nothing other than a day off work. For others, it means a whole lot more ... The health worker A woman surnamed Wang who is employed by...

丝绸之路重启,带来无限商机 - 2014年05月19日

CHINA’S ambition of reviving the once-glorious Silk Road trade route is firing up enthusiasm for construction, building materials and other listed companies that stand to gain from new infrastructure...

上海交警全市进出要道口设防保平安 - 2014年05月19日

TRAFFIC officers monitoring road entries to Shanghai saw more than 482,000 vehicles carrying some 695,000 people pass through the city’s 31 checkpoints between April 20 and May 17. In separate incide...

上海警方公布亚信峰会期间交通管制信息 - 2014年05月19日

POLICE have released a list of detours to advise motorists how to avoid streets with traffic restrictions during this week’s regional Asian summit. For drivers who want to get to the Bund, the G15 Sh...

亚信峰会护卫警车升级车内装备 - 2014年05月19日

HIGH-TECH equipment, skilled drivers and all-inclusive rehearsals are essential requirements for the escort police cars that will carry out their duties during the Shanghai Summit of the Conference on...

中国望亚信峰会成为历史的里程碑 - 2014年05月19日

CHINA expects to make this week’s Asian summit a milestone in its history, Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping said yesterday. At a press conference ahead of the Conference on Interaction and Confide...

30万志愿者协助亚信峰会治安 - 2014年05月16日

MORE than 300,000 citizen volunteers were deployed in the city by police to assist in security for next week’s regional Asian summit in Shanghai. The volunteers are residents recommended by district ...

12号线二期工程年内完工 - 2014年05月16日

CONSTRUCTION work on the main structures of stations on the second phase of Metro Line 12 has been completed, and the subway operator is hoping that the entire western section will be ready by the end...

嘉定一女子车祸后平安产女 - 2014年05月15日

上海本月私车牌照发行量减少800张 - 2014年05月15日

COMPETITION for Shanghai car plates is expected to be fierce this month as the number up for auction has been cut by 800 from April. Private motorists will fight it out for a total of 7,400 car plates...

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Q: 在哪里可以买到上海的地图?
A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...