

中俄签订30年天然气供应合约 - 2014年05月22日

CHINA signed a 30-year contract with Russia yesterday to buy natural gas from eastern Siberia. The deal, said to be worth US$400 billion, was the culmination of more than a decade of negotiations. Rus...

维护地区安全将成亚洲当务之急 - 2014年05月21日

AS one of the most dynamic continents, Asia boasts one third of global GDP. With an increasing convergence of interests and mutually beneficial development, the region is becoming a community of share...

习近平与普京在沪共同观看中俄海军联合演习 - 2014年05月21日

CHINA and Russia began joint naval drills in the East China Sea off Shanghai yesterday, a move aimed at enhancing political trust and military cooperation between the two countries. Chinese President ...

上合组织与亚信峰会携手维护地区稳定 - 2014年05月21日

AN agreement on regional security and stability, the war on terrorism and drug trafficking was signed yesterday by Dmitry Fedorovich Mezentsev, secretary general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organizati...

新婚夫妻扎堆领证,只为一声“520” - 2014年05月21日

LOCAL lovebirds lined up in long queues to get married yesterday because the date — May 20, 2014, or 5-2-0-1-4 — sounds like the words “I will love you for a lifetime” in Chinese. Some 4,698 coupl...

亚信峰会昨日在沪开幕 - 2014年05月21日

THE fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia or CICA has begun in Shanghai. Nearly 40 countries and international organizations are attending the meeting...

亚信峰会安保,上海准备就绪 - 2014年05月20日

SHANGHAI will accelerate economic restructuring, deepen reforms and encourage innovation to sustain the city’s status as a leader in China’s growth and development, Shanghai Vice Mayor Tu Guangshao ...

普京表示俄罗斯将优先扩大与中国的交往 - 2014年05月20日

RUSSIA sees relations with China as a top priority and their ties now are the best ever, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Chinese media released by the Kremlin ahead of h...

旅游日众多景点半价优惠,游客络绎不绝 - 2014年05月20日

THE huge crowds expected at tourist attractions across the city failed to materialize yesterday as interest in the fourth annual China Tourism Day fell far short of last year’s level. Such was the an...

两大打车软件同时取消返现 - 2014年05月20日

CABBIES yesterday reported a decline in bookings through third-party applications after Kuaidi Taxi and Didi Taxi on Saturday removed their incentives for passengers who use the software. Yesterday wa...

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