

本市组建125支专业特警突击队护航亚信峰会 - 2014年05月14日

SWAT teams will be deployed in critical downtown areas, including busy streets, scenic spots and transportation hubs, to provide added security during next week’s Asian regional summit in Shanghai. T...

俄罗斯、伊朗两国总统及联合国秘书长确认出席亚信峰会 - 2014年05月14日

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will visit China next week, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said yesterd...

共青森林公园将开放全市首个官方观鸟点 - 2014年05月13日

BIRDWATCHERS and photographers in Shanghai will soon be able to visit the city’s first official hide at Gongqing Forest Park, the Oriental Morning Post reported yesterday. “The park is one of the be...

台湾学生青睐上海大学 - 2014年05月13日

A growing number of high school students from Taiwan are applying to study at Shanghai universities, a senior academic said yesterday. “A lot of Taiwan students choose mainland universities because o...

上海为用水大户安装漏水检测设备 - 2014年05月12日

SHANGHAI is installing monitoring systems at local corporations to help them save water, officials said yesterday. Some 50 monitoring facilities have been fitted at some 30 local companies that use mo...

亚信峰会期间上海禁燃烟花爆竹 - 2014年05月12日

FIREWORKS have been banned and restrictions placed on remote control aircraft for an upcoming summit of Asian leaders in Shanghai. Delegations from nearly 40 countries and international organizations ...

沪上122家博物馆将集中免费开放 - 2014年05月09日

MUSEUMS across the city are offering a range of special deals to visitors this month to celebrate International Museum Day on May 18. At selected times from May 17-19, 122 public and private-funded ve...

上海世界旅游博览会今天开幕 - 2014年05月09日

MORE than 51,000 visitors are expected to attend the 11th Shanghai World Travel Fair at the Shanghai Exhibition Center, which runs from today through Sunday. The number of visitors is expected to rise...

复旦177学生为投毒案被告人求情引争议 - 2014年05月08日

A PETITION by Fudan University students pleading for clemency for a former medical student facing execution after poisoning his roommate has divided city opinion. Signed by 177 students, the letter as...

亚信峰会在即,机场安保升级 - 2014年05月08日

SECURITY checks at Shanghai’s two airports are being upgraded from today and all passengers and baggage will be tested for explosive materials from next week. Airport authorities gave no reason for t...

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