上海芭蕾舞团将上演经典戏剧 - 2023年04月16日
Shanghai Ballet recently invited members of the media to an open rehearsal of its upcoming new production The Phantom of the Opera.
徐汇区努力加强与外国企业的沟通 - 2023年04月16日
Shanghai's Xuhui District is encouraging communication and experience sharing among foreign enterprises, with the aim of creating an optimal business environment.
青浦启动生态、公共服务和科技项目 - 2023年04月16日
A number of ecological, public service, and science and technology innovation projects will commence, or are scheduled to be completed in Qingpu District this year, the district government announced on Thursday.
一年一度的上海国际花卉展览会开幕 - 2023年04月13日
With spring here, flowers across the city are in full bloom. But for a truly magnificent display, the Shanghai Botanical Gardens in Xuhui District is a place to go for their annual Shanghai (International) Flower Exhibition.
中国海昌海洋公园探索在沙特阿拉伯的投资机会 - 2023年04月13日
Chinese theme park operator Haichang Ocean Park Holdings signed a non-binding agreement with the Saudi Arabian government to explore investment opportunities such as building ocean parks, aquariums, wildlife parks, intellectual property theme parks, and hotels in the Middle Eastern country.
上海在残疾人就业方面的成功将“爪子”伸向了海外 - 2023年04月13日
The popularly known "Bear Paw Café" was a hit when it opened in Shanghai in 2020, with coffee served by a fur-covered arm reaching out from a hole in the wall. Its wacky service model was created to accommodate disabled staff too timid to face customers.
上海加快无人驾驶汽车的测试和商用 - 2023年04月13日
Shanghai is speeding up testing and commercial use of autonomous driving, including allowing more driverless cars on the road. The city will also continue to offer free plates for electric cars, the city's economy and information technology commission officer said on Wednesday.
长三角地区的研发支出比中国平均水平高出近30% - 2023年04月13日
The Yangtze River Delta region, which accounts for nearly a quarter of China's economy, has a research and development intensity, or the amount spent on R&D as a percentage of gross domestic product, that is almost 30 percent higher than the country's average as well as one of the densest talent pools in China, according to a recent report.
上海一季度消费者信心指数创12个月新高 - 2023年04月13日
Consumer confidence among residents of Shanghai has climbed to the highest point in a year, as they upgrade their appraisal of China's economic recovery and outlook.
上海世博园区高质量发展进入新篇章 - 2023年04月13日
A conference about the high-level economic development of the World Expo Area in Shanghai was held at the Qiantan Center on April 12.