

上海国际青少年科技博览会开幕 - 2014年07月17日

NEARLY 100 teenage students and their teachers are gathering for the Fifth Shanghai International Youth Science and Technology Expo today, held by the city government to promote friendship and underst...

新规限令沪上快递公司至少30%车辆为绿色环保车 - 2014年07月16日

THIRTY percent of vehicles purchased by delivery companies in Shanghai will have to be environmentally friendly, under new regulations issued yesterday. The city government has also pledged to create...

沪上”吸血鬼饮料“被指存在食品安全隐患 - 2014年07月16日

VAMPIRE fans with a taste for soft drinks that come packaged as medical blood bags have been warned that these may contain their own horror story. Labeled “Vampire’s Drink,” they have become a nov...

22种食品抽检不合格 - 2014年07月15日

TWENTY-TWO food samples out of 487 checked by the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration in May failed to meet national standards. Inspectors discovered salmonella bacteria and crystal violet —a dye ...

一对连体婴儿明日将在上海实施分离手术 - 2014年07月15日

SHANGHAI doctors will tomorrow attempt to separate 10-month-old conjoined twin girls. Doctors from the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center said that ideally the operation should have taken place some...

辛勤工作的上海地铁警犬 - 2014年07月14日

THE number of prosecutors and judges in Shanghai is to be increased in an effort to improve the efficiency of the city’s judicial system. The move is one of a series of reforms included in a pilot s...

上海司法系统将改革以提高效率 - 2014年07月14日

THE number of prosecutors and judges in Shanghai is to be increased in an effort to improve the efficiency of the city’s judicial system. The move is one of a series of reforms included in a pilot s...

上海一市民公布侵华日军认罪书 - 2014年07月11日

CONFESSIONS of wartime atrocities made by Japanese soldiers, complete with their finger prints, have been made public by a Shanghai woman. These include accounts of the drowning of 200 Chinese prison...

男子醉酒后跳入地铁铁轨被判9个月 - 2014年07月11日

A DRUNK man who jumped onto the tracks at a Metro station and threatened to kill himself with a knife has been jailed for nine months. His actions at Metro Line 3 Songbin Road Station led to a delay ...

上海两机场无锡航站楼昨日启用 - 2014年07月10日

PASSENGERS can now check in for flights from Shanghai’s airports while in neighboring Wuxi City, after a terminal building opened there yesterday. This is part of efforts to attract more passengers ...

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A: 上海各大书店中均有出售,一些...